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by 김종찬 Feb 06. 2024

윤석열정부올해‘자유북진 남한방송 전파 민족통일주도'

Yoon’s government this year ‘freely adva

윤석열 정부 올해 ‘자유 북진 남한 방송 전파 민족통일 주도’     

윤석열 정부가 ‘자유 북진’에 의한 남한 방송 북한 전파로 민족통일 주도를 올해 북한의 ‘2국가 단절’ 대응 정책으로 밝혔다.

김영호 통일장관은 5일 “올해 정부는 자유의 북진정책을 추진하겠다. 윤석열 정부의 국정 철학의 핵심은 자유”라며 “네 가지 자유의 관점에서 대북정책과 대외정책을 수립하며 한반도의 평화와 안정, 북한의 비핵화를 추진하겠다”고 밝혔다.

김 장관의 ‘네 가지 자유’는 △핵전쟁 공포로부터의 자유 △연대의 자유 △헌법에 보장된 기본권적 자유 △평화통일을 통한 자유의 실현으로 북한에 ‘자유 확산’을 뜻한다.

김 장관은 이날 포시즌호텔에서 ‘통일장관-4대 연구원장 신년 특별좌담회’를 통해 ‘자유북진 통일정책’을 밝혔고, 김천식 통일연구원장은 “한반도가 분단되어 있으면 북한 주민들은 영원히 자유와 인권을 박탈당하는 것”이라며 “북한이 이질화를 추구하더라도 우리는 남북 동질성 강화에 나서야 하고 남북한 주민들이 상대방 방송을 들을 수 있게 해서 서로 말이 달라지지 않도록 하는 게 급선무”라고 ‘북한에 남한 방송 청취’를 밝혔다.

박철희 국립외교원장은 “북한이 뭐라 하든 민족은 하나이고 누가 뭐래도 우리의 소원은 통일”이라며 “언젠가는 자유민주주의에 기반한 평화통일이 이뤄져야 하며 우리가 주도해야 한다는 걸 국제사회에 보여주는 것”이라고 북한의 2국가 체제 대응으로 ‘통일정책’을 밝혔다.

김 장관은 북한에 대해 "김 위원장은 선대인 김일성, 김정일에서 자기의 권력을 만들어내고 유지해 왔는데 새해 들어서 세습 권력의 기반이 된 선대의 정책들을 허물고 있다"며 “이로 인해 혼란이 발생할 가능성을 예의주시하고 있다. 북한은 내부 혼란을 도발을 통해 외부로 돌리려고 하기 때문에 올해 한반도 상황은 군사적으로 굉장히 어려울 것"이라고 ‘북한 혼돈에 의한 군사 긴장 악화’로 진단했다.

김 장관은 이어 "북한이 새해 들어 동족관계를 부정하고 남북관계를 두 개의 교전국가 관계라고 규정하고 있지만 우리 정부는 통일을 위한 노력을 계속해 나갈 것"이라며 "정부는 자유의 북진정책을 추진해 나갈 것"이라 ‘자유 북진’을 밝혔다.

김 통일연구원장은 이날 "북한 발표를 보면 금방 전쟁이라도 할 것처럼 이야기하지만 상당한 블러핑(허풍)"이라며 "전쟁위기 조성을 통해 한미가 불안의 시기를 갖게 함으로써 양보하게 하려는 의도"라고 밝혔다

 Yoon’s government this year ‘freely advanced to North Korea and led the unification of South Korean broadcasting’ 

This year, the Yoon administration ‘freely advanced to North Korea and led the unification of South Korean broadcasting’

The Yoon Seok-yeol government announced that this year's policy of responding to North Korea's 'two-state severance' will be to lead national unification by disseminating South Korean broadcasts to North Korea through 'Free Advance to North Korea'.

Unification Minister Kim Young-ho said on the 5th, “This year, the government will pursue the northward advance policy of freedom. “The core of the Yoon Seok-yeol government’s national philosophy is freedom,” he said. “We will establish North Korea and foreign policies from the perspective of the four freedoms and promote peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the denuclearization of North Korea.”

Minister Kim’s ‘four freedoms’ mean ‘spreading freedom’ in North Korea through freedom from fear of nuclear war, freedom of solidarity, basic freedom guaranteed by the Constitution, and realization of freedom through peaceful unification.

On this day, Minister Kim announced the ‘free North Korea unification policy’ through the ‘Minister of Unification and 4th Research Institute Director New Year’s Special Roundtable’ held at the Four Seasons Hotel, and Director Kim Cheon-sik of the Korea Institute for National Unification said, “If the Korean Peninsula is divided, North Korean people will be forever deprived of freedom and human rights. “Even if North Korea pursues heterogeneity, we must strengthen the homogeneity of North and South Korea, and the urgent priority is to ensure that North and South Korean residents can listen to each other’s broadcasts so that they do not differ,” he said on ‘Listening to South Korean Broadcasting in North Korea.’

Park Cheol-hee, director of the National Diplomatic Academy, said, “No matter what North Korea says, our nation is one, and no matter what anyone says, our wish is unification.” He added, “We are showing the international community that peaceful unification based on liberal democracy must be achieved someday and that we must take the lead.” The ‘unification policy’ was announced as a response to the two-state system.

Regarding North Korea, Minister Kim said, "Chairman Kim has created and maintained his power through his predecessors, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, but in the new year, he is tearing down his predecessor's policies that became the basis for hereditary power. We are keeping a close eye on the possibility of confusion arising from this." there is. “Because North Korea is trying to divert internal chaos to the outside through provocations, the situation on the Korean Peninsula this year will be very difficult militarily,” he diagnosed as ‘a rare deterioration in military power due to North Korea’s chaos.’

Minister Kim continued, “North Korea has denied kinship relations since the beginning of the new year and defines inter-Korean relations as those of two belligerent countries, but our government will continue its efforts for unification,” adding, “The government will pursue a policy of advancing northward of freedom.” "He announced a 'free march north'.

Kim, the director of the Korea Institute for National Unification, said on this day, “If you look at North Korea’s announcement, they are talking as if they are going to go to war any minute, but this is quite a bluff.” He added, “The intention is to make South Korea and the United States make concessions by creating a period of anxiety by creating a war crisis.”

Two countries, military tension, Kim Young-ho, South Korean Broadcasting, North Korea policy, North Korea advance policy, Yoon Seok-yeol government, free advance to North Korea, freedom expansion, war crisis

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