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by 김종찬 Mar 07. 2024

윤석열-이재명체제 심리전공조‘의사적만들기’강경보수전략

Yoon Seokyeol-Lee Jaemyeong regime’s psy

윤석열-이재명 체제 심리전 공조 ‘의사 적만들기’ 강경보수 전략     

윤석열-이재명 체제가 심리전 공조에 들어가며 의료법 위반 발언에 의한 ‘의사 적만들기’로 선거의 개방 민주주의를 정보기관 통제의 강경보수로 전환했다.

윤 대통령은 “국가가 의사에게 면허를 부여하고 법에 따라 엄격하게 관리하는 것은 국민의 생명과 건강을 보호하기 위한 일”이라고 건강보험체제에 의한 의사의 ‘면허권 통제’ 체제를 밝혔다.

윤 대통령은 6일 중대본에서 ‘병원구조 개혁’으로 ‘의사’를 의료에서 배제하고 ‘국민건강 권리’에 강제 의무 귀속 체제로 전환하고 “진료지원 간호사 시범사업을 통해 이들이 전공의 업무 공백을 메우고 법적으로 확실히 보호받을 수 있게 하겠다”며 “간호사가 숙련된 의료인으로 성장할 수 있도록 경력 발전체계 개발과 지원에도 깊은 관심을 기울이겠다”고 말했다. 

윤 대통령의 선언은 의료체계를 정부 주도의 건보체제에 종속시키고 예방의학을 앞세워 의료산업 비대화와 미국식 사보험 강화, 영리병원 도입, 비대면 진료 허용에 의료 IT 투자 사모 펀드 국내 유입 확대를 보인다.

이 대표는 ‘의사 파업’에 ‘검사가 말보다 주먹쓴다’고 비하 논평을 통해 윤석열 체제 강행에 공조했다. 

‘의료법’ 1조는 <이 법은 모든 국민이 수준 높은 의료 혜택을 받을 수 있도록 국민의료에 필요한 사항을 규정함으로써 국민의 건강을 보호하고 증진하는 데에 목적이 있다>에서 2조 ‘의료인은 종별에 따라 각각 임무 수행’에 <의사는 의료와 보건지도를 임무>로 명시해 ‘의료’가 대상이고 ‘건강’은 없다.

‘의료인’ 자격과 면허의 4조는 <의료의 질을 높이고 의료관련감염 예방하며 의료기술 발전시키는 등 환자에게 최선의 의료서비스를 제공 노력>은 의무 조항으로 뒀다.

‘중앙일보’는 <민주당 DNA 바뀐다…'급진파' 한총련∙통진당 세력과 연대> 제목을 7일 보도하면서 실제 기사는 “이번 총선에서는 한총련 출신이 대거 뛰어들었다”며 “이들 중 상당수는 경선에서 탈락했지만, 총선 이후에도 이 대표의 측근 그룹으로 영향력을 행사할 것이란 관측이다”고 이미 공천 탈락 상태를 제목에서 바꿔 심리전을 보인다.

이 대표는 지난달 26일 국정원의 4·10 총선 개입 감시를 위한 전직 국정원 감시팀을 만들고 영입인재 영입인재 4호인 박선원 전 국정원 1차장을 임명했고, 그는 6일 홍영표 전 원내대표의 부평을 출마를 선언했다.

국정원 출신의 김병기 공천관리위원회 간사는 여론조사기구 임의 추가 논란에도 4일 단수 공천됐고, 이날 안규백(전략공천관리위원장), 김성환(인재위원회 간사), 박범계(중앙당선거관리위원장) 한병도(전략기획위원장) 김민석(총선 상황실장)은 단수 공천됐다.

김 상황실장은 26일 기자들에게 "이번에 모든 선거 관련 공권력들은 굉장히 불균형한 선거 관리를 할 것으로 생각해서 초준법 선거 원칙을 지키며 확정된 후보자 교육을 즉각 실시할 것을 방침으로 정했다"며 "상황실에 국정원선거개입감시팀을 구성해 과거 댓글, 총풍, 북풍 같은 선거공작에 대비하겠다"고 말했다.

이 대표는 6일 최고위에서 “41명의 친명 공천, 내용을 제가 아침에 읽어 봤는데, 개인적으로 참 고맙기는 합니다만, 친문·친명 이런 식으로 구분할 때 과연 이것이 언제부터 갑자기 친명으로 분류되는지 이런 생각이 들었다”며 “언젠가는 또 단수공천 받으니까 친명이 되었다가, 경선이 되니까 비명이 되었다가, 다시 단수로 바뀌니까 친명이라고 쓰는 곳도 있었다. 이것이 언론이냐”고 말했다.

서은숙 최고위원은 이날 “모 언론에서 단수 공천받은 현역의원 62명 중에 친명이 41명 그래서 ‘비명횡사’라고 기사를 쓰시던데, 민주당에서 공천받은 분들은 전부 친명이고 낙천한 분들은 전부 비명이냐? 친명 41명의 근거를 제시하라”며 “그럴 자신 없으면 즉시 정정보도 하라. 불응 시 언론중재위에 제소는 물론 업무방해와 낙선 목적으로 허위 사실을 공표한 것에 대해서는 고발조치할 것”이라고 밝혔다.

‘뉴시스’는 “4일 지역구 254곳 중 176곳 후보를 확정했다. 단수 공천 현역 의원 62명 중 다수가 친명(친이재명)계 또는 현 지도부인 것으로 나타나 '친명횡재·비명횡사' 공천이 현실화했다는 지적이 나온다. 반면 비명계는 대부분 경선으로 내몰렸다”고 보도했다.

기사는 이어 “뉴시스가 4일 민주당 공천 현황을 분석한 결과 민주당 최고위원과 핵심 당직자 등 지도부 대다수가 본선행 티켓을 거머쥐었다”고 밝혔다.

한동훈 국민의힘 위원장은 7일 “4월 총선 승리 후 바로 국가정보원 대공 수사권을 회복하는 법률 개정안을 내고 통과시킬 것”이라며 “민주당은 그걸 없애버렸다. 이건 경찰, 검찰로 대치할 수 있는 업무가 아니다. 그래서 우리 당은 국정원 대공 수사 기능을 복원해야 한다는 게 일관적인 생각”이라고 밝혔다.

이 대표는 지난달 28일 ‘입당도 자유 탈당도 자유’를 말하며 대표 취임 후 처음으로 기자들 앞에서 활짝 웃었고 서대문갑 광주서을 등 공천에서 양부남 변호사와 대장동 담당 변호사들을 공천에 집어넣었다.

Yoon Seokyeol-Lee Jaemyeong regime’s psychological warfare cooperation, ‘making enemies of doctors’ hardline conservative strategy

The Yoon Seok-yeol-Lee Jae-myeong regime entered into coordinated psychological warfare and transformed the open democracy of elections into a hard-line conservatism controlled by intelligence agencies by ‘making enemies of doctors’ by making remarks that violated medical laws.

President Yoon announced the ‘license control’ system for doctors under the health insurance system, saying, “The government grants licenses to doctors and strictly manages them in accordance with the law to protect the lives and health of the people.”

On the 6th, President Yoon said at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters that through 'hospital structural reform', 'doctors' will be excluded from medical care and a system of mandatory attribution to 'national health rights' will be switched to a system, and "through a pilot project for medical support nurses, they will fill the gap in the work of medical residents. “We will ensure that they are legally protected,” he said. “We will also pay close attention to developing and supporting a career development system so that nurses can grow into skilled medical professionals.”

President Yoon's declaration subordinates the medical system to the government-led health insurance system, puts preventive medicine at the forefront, shows the expansion of the medical industry, strengthens American-style private insurance, introduces for-profit hospitals, allows non-face-to-face treatment, and increases the inflow of medical IT investment private equity funds into the country.

Representative Lee contributed to the enforcement of the Yoon Seok-yeol system by making a disparaging comment about the ‘doctors’ strike’, saying, ‘Prosecutors use their fists rather than words.’

Article 1 of the ‘Medical Act’ is <The purpose of this Act is to protect and promote the health of the public by stipulating matters necessary for national medical care so that all citizens can receive high-quality medical benefits> and Article 2 ‘Medical personnel shall be classified by category. Accordingly, in 'performing each mission', it is specified that <the doctor's duty is to provide medical care and health guidance>, so that 'medical care' is the target and 'health' is not.

Article 4 of the ‘Medical Person’ qualification and license stipulates <Efforts to provide the best medical services to patients, including improving the quality of medical care, preventing medical-related infections, and developing medical technology> as a mandatory provision.

Park Seon-won (First Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Service), the fourth talent recruited by Representative Lee, declared his candidacy for former floor leader Hong Young-pyo's Bupyeong election on the 6th.

‘JoongAng Ilbo’ reported <Democratic Party’s DNA is changing… While reporting on the 7th with the title, ‘Solidarity with the forces of the ‘radical’ Hanchongryun and Unified Progressive Party,” the actual article said, “In this general election, a large number of people from Hanchongryun participated,” and “Many of them were eliminated in the primary, but they remained as a group close to Representative Lee even after the general election. “It is predicted that he will exert influence,” he said, showing psychological warfare by changing the title to the state of being already eliminated from nomination.

On the 26th of last month, Representative Lee created a former National Intelligence Service surveillance team to monitor the National Intelligence Service's intervention in the April 10 general election and appointed Park Seon-won (First Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Service), the fourth talent to be recruited, and he ran for former floor leader Hong Young-pyo's Bupyeong seat on the 6th. declared.

Kim Byeong-gi, a former member of the National Intelligence Service and secretary of the Nomination Management Committee, was single-nominated on the 4th despite controversy over the arbitrary addition of public opinion polling organizations, and on this day, Ahn Gyu-baek (Chairman of the Strategic Nomination Management Committee), Kim Seong-hwan (Secretary of the Talent Committee), Park Beom-gye (Chairman of the Central Party Election Management Committee), and Han Byeong-do (Strategy Planning Committee Chairman) ) Kim Min-seok (Director of the General Election Situation Room) was nominated for a single term.

Director of the Situation Office Kim told reporters on the 26th, "This time, we believe that all public authorities related to the election will conduct very unbalanced election management, so we have decided on a policy to immediately provide training for confirmed candidates while adhering to the principles of law-abiding elections." “We will form an intervention monitoring team to prepare for election manipulation such as past comments, Gundam, and North Wind,” he said.

Representative Lee said at the highest level on the 6th, "I read the contents of the 41 nominations of personal names this morning, and I personally am very grateful, but I was wondering when it would suddenly be classified as personal names when distinguishing between relatives and relatives in this way." He said, “At some point, when I received a singular nomination, it became my personal name, but then when I won the primary, it became my real name, and then it changed back to singular, so there were places where I used my personal name. “Is this the media?” he said.

Supreme Council member Seo Eun-sook said on this day, “Out of the 62 active members of the National Assembly who were nominated by a certain media outlet, 41 of them are people’s real names, so you are writing an article saying that they are ‘screaming deaths.’ Are you saying that all those nominated by the Democratic Party are people’s names and those who were optimistic are all people’s names? “Please provide evidence for the 41 real names,” he said. “If you are not confident about that, provide corrective information immediately. “If they do not comply, we will not only file a complaint with the Press Arbitration Commission, but also file charges against them for obstructing business and publishing false facts for the purpose of losing the election,” he said. 

‘Newsis’ reported, “On the 4th, we confirmed candidates for 176 out of 254 constituencies. It is pointed out that the majority of the 62 active members of the National Assembly who were single-nominated are pro-Myung (pro-Lee Jae-myung) faction or the current leadership, and that the 'pro-Myung's windfall and non-myung's windfall' nomination has become a reality. On the other hand, most of the non-members were pushed into the primary,”

The report continued. “Newsis analyzed the Democratic Party’s nomination status on the 4th and found that the majority of leadership, including top members of the Democratic Party and key party officials, won tickets to the general election.”

People Power Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon said on the 7th, “After winning the general election in April, we will immediately submit and pass a revision to the law to restore the National Intelligence Service’s right to investigate anti-communism,” adding, “The Democratic Party eliminated that. This is not a task that can be replaced by the police or prosecutors. “So our party’s consistent view is that the National Intelligence Service’s anti-communist investigation function must be restored,” he said.

On the 28th of last month, Representative Lee smiled brightly in front of reporters for the first time since taking office, saying, “Free to join the party and free to leave the party,” and included lawyers in charge of Yang Bu-nam and Daejeon-dong in the nominations, including Seodaemun Gap and Gwangju Seo-eul.

National Intelligence Service, Kim Min-seok, Democratic Party, Park Seon-won, psychological warfare, Yoon Seok-yeol, doctors' strike, Lee Jae-myung, making enemies, strategic nomination    

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