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by 김종찬 Mar 11. 2024

민주당 김부겸선대위‘탈락후보지지자 제외’ 폐쇄전략선거

Democratic Party Kim Boo-gyeom’s campaig

민주당 김부겸 선대위 ‘탈락후보 지지자 제외’ 폐쇄 전략선거   


민주당 선대위원장에 합류한 김부겸 전 총리가 ‘탈락후보 지지자 제외’로 ‘국민에 송구’ 발언에 이어 고민정 최고위원 복귀 성명으로 ‘정권 폭주 차단’ 명분의 ‘폐쇄형 선거’ 전투 제체가 시작됐다.

김 전 총리는 11일 민주당 선대위원장 수락 회견에서 “투명성, 공정성, 국민 눈높이라는 공천 원칙이 잘 지켜졌는가에 대해서 많은 국민들께서 공감하지 못하고 있다”며 “과정이야 어쨌든 공천을 받지 못한 후보들과 그 지지자들께 납득할 수 있는 설명과 따뜻한 통합의 메시지가 부족한 것도 아쉬웠다. 국민 여러분들께 송구하다”고 ‘탈락 후보와 지지자’에 대한 ‘사과’를 배제했다.그는 기자회견에서 “다시 당에 돌아온 이유는 하나로, 무능력·무책임·무비전, 3무 정권인 윤석열 정부에 분명한 경고를 보내고 입법부라는 최후의 보루를 반드시 지켜내야 하기 때문”이라며 “지난 상처를 보듬고 통합과 연대의 정신으로 오로지 국민만 바라보고 나아가야 한다”고 정당 민주주의의 개방 선거운동에 통제 전략을 밝혔다.

김 전 총리는 이어 “선대위에 합류한다면, 당의 화합과 통합을 해치고 총선 승리에 역행하는 일은 결단코 막아내겠다”고 ‘정당 단속 강화’ 선거전략을 밝혔다.민주당의 공동선대위는 김 전 총리, 이재명 대표에 이어 ‘중앙당 장악 휴대폰 정보 전략 시스템 20년 집권’의 이해찬 전 대표가 공동위원장이다.

이재명 공천 주도에 반발해 사퇴했던 고민정 최고위원은 복귀하며 이날 ‘윤석열정권 폭주 차단 연대’가 선거운동 목표라면서 이 대표의 ‘윤 정권 공조’가 확인된 ‘의사파업 강경 대응’ 전략 공조 체제를 강화했다.

윤석열 정부의 의대 증원 정책에 강한 옹호자인 전 건보 심사평가소장 김윤 교수(의료관리학)가 이날 민주당 위성정당의 비례대표 4인에 올라 국회의원 당선권을 줬고, 이어 서울대 의대 교수들은 18일 집단 사직을 예고했다.

요미우리는 <여당, 열등감에서 돌아서고 야당 내분 "이재명 의원 私黨化 논란"> 제목에서 <이재명 대표와 가까운 인물을 우대적으로 뽑는다는 얘기가 나오면서 당내에서는 "(이 대표가) 사당(私黨)으로 만들려고 한다"는 비판이 나온다. 공식적으로 인정되지 않았다. 문재인 전 대통령과 가까웠던 의원들이 잇달아 당을 떠났다>고 11일 보도했다.

이 대표는 공천 갈등으로 탈당자 속출에 "경기하다가 질 것 같으니 경기 안 하겠다, 이런 건 별로 국민들이 보시기에 아름답지 않을 것"이라며 "최근에 탈당하시는 분들이 한두 분 계신 것 같은데, 입당도 자유고 탈당도 자유"라고 ‘탈락자 배제 후 윤석열 체제 후보자와의 단독 경주’ 전환을 지난달 28일 밝혔다.

김 교수는 이날 ‘중앙일보’ 인터뷰로 국회 진출 결심 날짜에 대해 “지난달 29일이다. 이제 (국회로) 갈 수밖에 없는 상황이라고 판단했다”며 “의대 증원 과정에서 좀 뭐랄까 의사 사회의 미움을 많이 받게 됐다. 이제 교수 전문가로 활동하기가 어렵게 됐다고 판단했다”고 민주당을 통한 의대 정원 확대와 건강보험 의료산업 예방의학 체제 확장을 밝혔다.

김 교수는 직전 언론 인터뷰로 "2025년부터 2040년까지 15년간 의대 정원을 4500명 늘려야 한다"며 "2019년 2억원이던 종합병원 봉직의사 연봉이 3억~4억원 이상으로 올랐다"고 밝혔다.

김 교수는 ‘왜 더불어민주연합인지’ 질의에 “국민 후보로 지원하는 게 내가 이때까지 해온 주장이나 입장하고 가장 가깝다고 생각했다. 어떤 특정 정당 후보로 지원하는 것보다”라고 답했다. 

고 의원은 특히 “걸어온 길이 조금 다르더라도, 생각이 달라도 거대한 윤석열이란 권력 앞에 연대하지 않으면 우리는 너무나 많은 이들을 잃게 될 것이다”고 개방 선거를 배제했다.

민주당의 홍익표 원내대표는 전날 고 의원에게 ‘작은 의견 차이는 뒤로 하고, 가용할 수 있는 모든 힘을 합쳐 윤석열 정권 심판이라는 국민 명령을 실현하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다’고 말해, ‘당내 격차 단속’의 밀폐형 선거 전략을 밝혔다.

윤석열 체제는 다수당의 민주당 지배 의회 무력화 전략으로 미국 공화당의 '행정명령 강화'에 의한 강경보수 전략에서 행정독주와 자유확산의 냉전체제 복원을 시도했고, 민주당은 정당 민주주의 파기로 ‘행정독재’의 공조자가 됐다.

정당법 28조 8항은 <공직선거후보자 선출에 관한 사항>을 의무 규정했고, 민주당 당규는 19조 1항으로 <비례대표후보자 추천심사를 위해 중앙당과 시·도당에 비례대표후보자추천관리위원회(비례대표공천관리위원회) 선거일 60일 전까지 최고위원회의 의결로 설치한다>고 규정해 시도당의 공천관리위 역할을 분명하게 명시했다.

당규 28조는 <④시·도당비례대표공천관리위원회의 위원장과 위원은 시·도당상무위원회의 의결을 거쳐 시·도당위원장이 당대표에게 추천하고, 최고위원회의 심의를 거쳐 당대표가 임명한다>고 ‘시도당비례공천위’ 임명을 명시했고, 이의 결함은 비례대표선출에 위배에 해당된다. 

민주당 당헌 3조는 <②더불어민주당은 당원을 중심으로 운영하되, 국민의 폭넓은 지지를 기반으로 한다> <④더불어민주당은 정당의 3권 분립과 중앙당과 시·도당의 분권 등을 통해 정당민주주의를 구현한다>로 ‘정당 민주주의’를 우선 특정했다.

선거권(選擧權)은 국민 각자가 전국에 걸치거나 일정구역 의원 맡을 일정(一定)한 수효(數爻)의 사람을 투표(投票)에 의해 선정(選定)하기 위해 각자에게 개방 선거운동이 ‘국민 지배’의 민주주의를 결정한다.

<이재명 비례대표 중앙당 면접관 독식 정당법 당헌당규 위반 민주주의 파기, 2024년 3월 5일자> 참조

Democratic Party Kim Boo-gyeom’s campaign committee ‘excludes supporters of eliminated candidates’ closed strategic election

Former Prime Minister Kim Boo-gyeom, who joined the Democratic Party's campaign committee, made a statement of 'apologizing to the people' by 'excluding supporters of eliminated candidates', followed by a statement by Go Min-jung on the return of Supreme Council member, marking the beginning of the 'closed election' system in the name of 'blocking government runaway'.

Former Prime Minister Kim said at the Democratic Party's election committee chairman acceptance conference on the 11th, "Many citizens do not sympathize with whether the nomination principles of transparency, fairness, and the public's expectations have been well observed." It was also disappointing that there was a lack of understandable explanations and a warm message of integration. “I apologize to the people,” he said, ruling out an “apology” to the “eliminated candidates and supporters.” At a press conference, he said, “The reason I came back to the party is for one thing: incompetence, irresponsibility, and no vision. “This is because we must send a warning and protect the last bastion of the legislature,” he said, adding, “We must heal past wounds and move forward with a focus only on the people in the spirit of unity and solidarity.” He revealed his control strategy for the open election campaign of party democracy.

Former Prime Minister Kim went on to announce his election strategy of ‘strengthening crackdowns on political parties,’ saying, “If I join the election committee, I will resolutely prevent anything that harms the party’s harmony and integration and goes against winning the general election.” The Democratic Party’s joint election committee includes former Prime Minister Kim and Representative Lee Jae-myung. Next, former representative Lee Hae-chan, a ‘cell phone information strategy election campaigner’, is the co-chairman.

Supreme Council member Ko Min-jung, who had resigned in opposition to Lee Jae-myeong's nomination, returned and said that the goal of the election campaign was 'solidarity to block the runaway Yoon Seok-yeol administration', and strengthened the strategic cooperation system for 'hard-line response to the doctors' strike', which confirmed Lee's 'collaboration with the Yoon administration'. .

Professor Kim Yoon (medical management), former head of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Center and a strong advocate for the Yoon Seok-yeol government's policy of increasing the number of medical schools, was elected to the National Assembly as one of the four proportional representatives of the Democratic Party's satellite party.

On this day, Seoul National University medical school professors announced their collective resignation on the 18th.

Yomiuri, in the title of <The ruling party turns away from its inferiority complex and internal strife in the opposition party, "Controversy over Rep. Lee Jae-myung's becoming a private party">, said, "As there was talk of preferentially selecting people close to Representative Lee Jae-myung, within the party, "(Representative Lee) is a member of the private party." There is criticism that “they are trying to make it .” Not officially recognized. It was reported on the 11th that lawmakers who were close to former President Moon Jae-in left the party one after another.

Regarding the number of people leaving the party due to conflict over nomination, Representative Lee Jae-myung said, "I won't play because I feel like I will lose if I play, and this will not be good for the public." He added, "I think there are one or two people who are leaving the party recently, and they are free to join the party." “You are free to withdraw from the party,” he announced on the 28th of last month, saying he would switch to a “sole race with the candidate from Yoon Seok-yeol’s regime after excluding those who dropped out.”

In an interview with JoongAng Ilbo, Professor Kim said about the date of his decision to enter the National Assembly, “It was the 29th of last month. “I decided that now I had no choice but to go to the National Assembly,” he said. “During the process of increasing the number of medical schools, I came to receive a lot of hate from the medical society, so to speak. “I decided that it has now become difficult to work as a professor and expert,” he said, announcing the expansion of the medical school quota and the expansion of the preventive medicine system in the health insurance medical industry through the Democratic Party.

Professor Kim said in a media interview just before that, "The number of medical school students must be increased by 4,500 over 15 years from 2025 to 2040," and "The annual salary of doctors at general hospitals, which was 200 million won in 2019, has risen to more than 300 to 400 million won."

In response to the question, ‘Why the Democratic Alliance for Democracy?’, Professor Kim said, “I thought that applying as a national candidate was closest to the arguments and positions I had made so far. “Rather than applying as a candidate for a specific political party,” he answered.

In particular, Rep. Ko ruled out open elections, saying, “Even if our paths are slightly different and our thoughts are different, if we do not stand in solidarity with the mighty power of Yoon Seok-yeol, we will lose too many people.”

The day before, Hong Ik-pyo, floor leader of the Democratic Party, told Rep. Ko, "It is most important to put aside small differences of opinion and combine all available forces to realize the people's order to judge the Yoon Seok-yeol regime," and to "crack down on disparities within the party." A closed election strategy was revealed.

Yoon Seok-yeol's regime attempted to restore the Cold War system of administrative dictatorship and the spread of freedom from the U.S. Republican Party's hard-line conservative strategy of 'strengthening executive orders' as a strategy to neutralize the majority-party Democratic Party-dominated Congress, and the Democratic Party cooperated in 'administrative dictatorship' by destroying party democracy. I became a person.

Article 28, Paragraph 8 of the Political Parties Act stipulates <Matters pertaining to the selection of candidates for public office elections>, and the Democratic Party's rules stipulate in Article 19, Paragraph 1, <A proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee (proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee) must be established in the Central Party and city/provincial parties to review recommendations for proportional representative candidates. The role of the nomination management committee of the provincial and provincial party was clearly stated by stipulating that the representative nomination management committee shall be established by resolution of the Supreme Committee at least 60 days before the election date.

Article 28 of the party rules states <④The chairperson and members of the city/provincial party proportional representative nomination management committee are recommended by the city/provincial party chairperson to the party representative after a resolution by the city/provincial party standing committee, and are appointed by the party representative after deliberation by the supreme committee.> The appointment of a 'proportional nomination committee per city/province' was specified, and any defect in this constitutes a violation of proportional representation election.

Article 3 of the Democratic Party Constitution states: <②The Democratic Party of Korea shall operate centered on party members, but is based on broad support from the public> <④The Democratic Party of Korea shall promote party democracy through the separation of powers into three political parties and decentralization between the central party and city/provincial parties. ‘Implement’ was first specified as ‘party democracy’.

The right to vote is open to each citizen in order to select by voting a certain number of people to serve as members of the National Assembly or in a certain district. Election campaigns are open to each citizen. It determines the democracy of ‘domination’.

See <Lee Jae-myeong, proportional representative, monopolizes interviewers of the Central Party, violates the political party law and party constitution rules, destroys democracy, March 5, 2024>

Ko Min-jeong, Kim Boo-gyeom, Kim Yun, Democratic Party, campaign committee, doctors' strike, Lee Jae-myung, Lee Hae-chan, eliminated candidates, closure strategy

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