
You can make anything
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by 김종찬 Mar 25. 2024


Lee Jae-myeong's lawyer Kim Dong-gan, wh

이재명 대장동 재판중인 김동아 변호사 ‘대장동 능력인정 발탁’ 공천 거래     

이재명 민주당 대표가 국회의원 공천 후보로 대거 발탁한 재판중인 대장동 관련 김동아 변호사가 ‘대장동 능력인정 발탁’으로 발표해 공천 거래를 시인했다.

서대문갑 공천자인 김 변호사는 MBC에 “제가 대장동 변호인단에 합류한 것 역시도 민주당 법률 활동을 하면서 저의 능력과 헌신성, 그리고 실력을 인정받아 저는 발탁된 것”이라고 공천 발탁 배경을 25일 밝혔다.

그는 MBC라디오에 이날 출연해 장기간 발언하며 “이재명 대표님과 개인적 인연도 전혀 없었디”면서 “검찰 독재에 대응해서 능력과 실력을 저는 인정받아서 대장동 사건을 제일 어린 나이로 또 맡았다”고 말했다.

MBC는 이날 <[시선집중] 野 김동아 “대장동 변호사, 능력 인정받아 발탁. 오히려 자랑스러운 일”> 제목으로 기사를 보도했다.

김 변호사는 대장동 변호사 논란에 대해 “이게 뭐가 문제, 저는 오히려 자랑스러운 일이다”며 “저는 전국권리당원 투표 60% 상당 얻었고 서대문 여론조사에서 49% 정도로 상당한 지지 얻었다. 당원과 서대문 시민의 압도적인 지지를 받은 만큼 확실한 명분이 있다”고 이 대표 측근 공천 전략인 '전국당원에 의해 공천'을 MBC를 통해 공개적으로 밝혔다.

김 변호사는 ‘이영선 후보 공천 취소 그리고 제명까지’ 질의에 대해 “사실은 후보 자체가 괜찮고 이런 공천 취소, 이런 내용이 없었으면 참 최고 좋았을 것 같기도 한데 저도 개인적으로 이영선 후보를 대선캠프에 만나서 알고는 있다”며 “개인적으로는 안타까운 마음도 있지만 저는 민주당이 신속히 대응하고 공천을 취소한 것은 정말 잘한 것으로 생각한다”고 밝혔다. 

더불어민주당은 23일 세종갑 후보인 이영선 변호사의 공천을 취소했다. 

선거대책위원회 대변인은 24일 “이 변호사가 다수 주택을 보유하고 ‘갭 투기’를 한 의혹에도 재산 보유 현황을 당에 허위로 제시해 공천 업무를 방해했다”고 밝혔다.

대장동 변호사 공천에 대해 ‘한겨레’는 “당선 가능성이 큰 지역에서 줄줄이 공천장을 받았다”면서 “이 대표의 최측근 정진상 전 정무조정실장을 변호한 이건태 변호사는 김상희 의원을 꺾고 경기 부천병에 공천됐고, ‘청년 전략경선’ 지역인 서울 서대문갑 공천을 받은 김동아 변호사도 대장동 변호사 중 한명이며, 이 대표 법률특보인 박균택 변호사(광주 광산갑)와 당 법률위원장으로 이 대표 사법 문제에 대응해온 양부남 변호사(광주 서을) 등도 공천장을 따냈다”고 21일 보도했다.

'뉴시스'는 20일 지난해 8월 임명된 이 대표 특보 9명 중 7명이 출마해 6명이 공천을 받았다고 밝혔다.

특보 공천자는 정진욱 특보가 광주 동·남갑에서 현역 윤영덕 의원을 이겼고, 박균택 특보는 광주 광산갑에서 현역 이용빈 의원, 이건태 특보는 경기 부천병에서 김상희 의원 꺾어 현역 배제를 보였고, 송기호 특보와 안태준 특보는 원외 인사들과의 3인 경선에서 이겨 각각 서울 송파을과 경기 광주을 후보자가 됐다

Lee Jae-myeong's Daejang-dong trial, Kim Dong-ah's lawyer 'selection based on recognition of ability' nomination transaction

Regarding Daejang-dong, which is currently on trial, and was selected by Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, as a candidate for nomination to the National Assembly, Kim Dong-ah announced the nomination transaction as ‘Daejang-dong was selected based on recognition of ability.’

Attorney Kim, a candidate from Seodaemun Gap, told MBC on the 25th about the background of his nomination, saying, “The reason I joined the Daejang-dong defense team was because I was selected because my ability, dedication, and skills were recognized while working as a lawyer for the Democratic Party.”

He appeared on MBC Radio that day and spoke for a long time, saying, “I had no personal relationship with CEO Lee Jae-myung at all,” and “I was recognized for my ability and ability in responding to the dictatorship of the prosecution, so I took on the Daejeon-dong case again at the youngest age.”

On this day, MBC broadcasted <[Focus] Kim Dong-ah, “Daejang-dong lawyer, selected for recognition of ability.” The article was reported under the title “It’s something to be proud of.”

Regarding the controversy over the Daejang-dong lawyer, Attorney Kim said, “What is the problem with this? I am rather proud of it.” He added, “I received a significant 60% of the votes of the National Human Rights Party members, and received considerable support at about 49% in the Seodaemun opinion poll. “There is a clear cause as we have received overwhelming support from party members and Seodaemun citizens,” Lee publicly announced through MBC the strategy of nominating his close associates, “nomination by national party members.”

In response to the question about 'cancellation of candidate Lee Young-seon's nomination and even expulsion', Attorney Kim said, "The truth is, the candidate itself is fine and it would have been best if there had been no cancellation of nomination or other details like this, but I personally know candidate Lee Young-seon after meeting her at the presidential campaign. “He said, “Personally, I feel sorry, but I think the Democratic Party did a really good job of responding quickly and canceling the nomination.”

On the 23rd, the Democratic Party of Korea canceled the nomination of Sejong-gap candidate, lawyer Young-seon Lee.

A spokesperson for the National Election Commission said on the 24th, “Despite the suspicion that this lawyer owned multiple houses and engaged in ‘gap speculation,’ he presented false information about his property holdings to the party, interfering with the nomination process.”

Regarding the nomination of a lawyer in Daejang-dong, the Hankyoreh said, “We received a series of nominations from areas with a high possibility of winning,” and added, “Attorney Geon-tae Lee, who defended Lee’s closest associate, former head of the Political Affairs Coordination Office Jeong Jin-sang, defeated lawmaker Kim Sang-hee and was nominated for the Gyeonggi Bucheon District Office. Attorney Kim Dong-ah, who was nominated by Seodaemun Gap in Seoul, a 'youth strategic primary' region, is also one of the Daejang-dong attorneys. Attorney Park Gyun-taek (Gwangju Gwangsan-gap), Lee's special legal adviser, and Attorney Yang Bun-nam (Gwangju), who has responded to Lee's judicial issues as the chairman of the party's legal committee, are also among the Daejang-dong lawyers. Seo Eul) and others also won nomination papers,” it was reported on the 21st.

'Newsis' announced on the 20th that of the nine special advisors to Representative Lee appointed in August last year, seven ran for office and six received nominations.

As for the special adviser nominees, Special Adviser Jeong Jin-wook defeated incumbent Rep. Yoon Young-deok in Gwangju Dong-nam Gap, Special Adviser Park Gyun-taek defeated incumbent Rep. Lee Yong-bin in Gwangju Gwangsan-gap, and Special Adviser Lee Geon-tae showed his power in ruling out incumbent Rep. Kim Sang-hee in Bucheon-byeong, Gyeonggi-do, and Special Advisers Song Ki-ho and Special Advisers Ahn Tae-jun won a three-person primary with outsiders and became candidates for Songpa-eul in Seoul and Gwangju-eul in Gyeonggi-do, respectively.

Nomination transaction, National Assembly candidate, Kim Dong-ah, Daejang-dong lawyer, Democratic Party of Korea, lawyer nomination, focus, Lee Young-seon's expulsion, Lee Jae-myeong transaction, special advisor nomination

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