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by 김종찬 Mar 27. 2024


Lim Hyeok-baek removes obstruction in th

임혁백, 당론 형성과정 방해 제거 전국당원이 지역의원 지배 ’파시즘‘ 부활    


임혁백 민주당 공관위원장이 ‘민주주의 과잉’에 이재명 체포 40명 동의가 자유투표에 나왔고 ‘당론 채택 과정에 반대자 제거’ 전략으로 전국당원의 시스템 가동의 ’파시즘 체제‘ 부활을 밝혔다.

임 위원장은 ‘박용진 재심 단독 기각’ 판정에 대해 ‘당규 이의신청 적용’으로 ‘경향신문’에 밝혔으나, 당규는 ‘재심위원회 권한’으로 명기해 당규 위반을 보인다.

임 위원장은 특히 민주당에 대해 “민주주의 과잉 현상이 일어난 것”이라며 “당 대표 감옥에 보내자고 체포동의안에 찬성표 던진 40명이나 되지 않나. 정당엔 기율이란 게 있다. 국회의원들이 자기 마음대로 행동하고 있다는 게 문제이다”고 정당의 당론보다 ‘기율’ 우위의 공천 기준으로 피시즘 정당 체제로 전환했다.

임 위원장은 26일 “언론이 비명계 입장만 일방적으로 들으면 안된다. 우리는 국민 눈높이에 맞는 공천을 했다”며 “정치의식 높은 광주 8곳중 7곳 교체”에서 “광주시민이 고맙다고 인사한다”고 ‘국민’에 ‘강성 당원’을 변조하고 광주에 이 대표 변호사 2명 특보 2명을 집중 공천했다.

그는 ‘경향신문’ 단독 인터뷰로 이날 광주시민이 ‘현역 탈락에 감사’하다며 ‘국민 눈높이 경선 탈락자 선정’에서 ‘국민’을 ‘전국 당원에 의한 지역구 의원 제거’ 전략으로 사용하며 ‘선거후 제도 보완’을 공식화해 파쇼정당 체제에서 강성 당원에 의한 ‘의원 지배’ 정치 체제를 부활했다.

임 위원장은 반복해서 ‘언론이 적’을 규정하며 공관위가 적용한 ‘전국 당원’을 언론이 적용한 ‘국민’으로 고의적으로 변조하고 “언론이 잘못했다”고 정당의 언론 감시 기능을 집중 공격해 정당 민주주의를 파기했다.

그는 “언론이 옹호하는 집단은 민주화 공로만 가지고 평생 우려먹으려는 국회의원들 아닌가”라며 “우리나라에서 정치의식이 가장 높은 광주시민들은 임혁백 공관위가 너무 잘했다며 고맙다고 인사한다. 국민의 눈높이는 그것인데 기득권 정치인들에게 눈높이를 맞춘다면 언론이 제 역할 하는 건가”라고 ‘언론 공격' 이유를 밝혔다.

임 위원장은 ‘박 의원 재심 신청은 왜 공관위 회의 없이 위원장 단독 기각했나’ 질의에 “공관위 2차 전체회의에서 하위 20% 통보와 이의신청 처리에 관한 모든 권한을 공관위원장에게 위임했고, 당규는 이의신청 처리에 있어서 절차상 명백한 하자가 없으면 기각하게 되어 있어서 제가 이의신청한 분들 모두 기각했다”고 대응했다.

민주당 당규 ‘제5절 공직선거후보자추천재심위원회’는 제25조(업무와 권한)에서 <재심위원회는 1. 국회의원선거와 지방자치단체장선거 후보자 추천을 위한 심사 및 경선결과에 대한 재심. 이 경우 중앙당재심위원회가 담당한다>고 명시해 재심위가 담당해야 한다.

반면 당규는 공관위에 대해 <제17조(업무와 권한) ①공천관리위원회는 공직선거후보자의 추천 전반에 관한 사항을 관리·감독한다>와 <②공천관리위원회는 공직선거후보자 선출 과정의 공정성과 효율성을 높이기 위해 위원회의 의결로 소위원회 및 필요한 기구를 둘 수 있다>고 규정해 ‘관리 감독권만 부여’해 임 위원장은 당규를 위반했다.

민주당 당규 <제8조(이의신청처리위원회) ①예비후보자자격심사에 대한 이의신청 처리를 위하여 중앙당과 시·도당에 예비후보자자격심사이의신청처리위원회를 설치한다>고 애초 ‘자격심사’에 대해서만 적용돼 임 위원장이 고의적 과실에 해당된다.

제9조(이의신청)은 <①예비후보자자격심사 신청 당사자가 자격심사 결과에 대하여 이의가 있는 때에는 심사결과 발표시점으로부터 48시간 이내에 국회의원선거에 중앙당이의신청처리위원회에 신청>으로 규정했다, 

박용진 의원 탈락에 대해 그는 “박용진 의원은 솔리터리맨이고 의정활동 점수가 굉장히 낮다”며 “당론을 채택하는 데 있어 동료 의원과 협력적 행동을 하지 않는 경향이 있는 의원으로 꼽히고 있다”고 말해 ‘당론 채택 과정’에 다른 의견 제시 차단을 탈락자 선정 기준으로 밝혔다

그는 ‘도덕성검증소위는 양문석 후보에게 도덕성 점수를 0점 주기로 뜻을 모았고 논의없이 임 위원장이 양 후보의 경선 참여 밀어붙였다는 주장 나왔다’는 질의에 “대다수는 0점을 주지 않았다고 확신한다. 양문석 후보에게 경선 기회를 주지 말자는 의견은 전혀 나오지 않았다”고 위원 점수평가제에서 ‘의견’으로 대체해 시스템 공천을 회피했다.

그는 특히 양문석 후보에 대해 “당내 반대파 향해 ‘수박’ ‘쓰레기’ ‘똥파리’ 발언했다” 질의에 <공관위원이 양 후보에게 ‘수박 같은 막말을 하면 되느냐’고 하자, ‘동물 이야기를 한 것도 아니고 식물 이야기를 한 것’이라고 답했다>고 양문석 후보의 ‘공관위 질의 비하’에도 후보 공천 당선을 확인했다.

양 후보는 지난해 6월 5일 지역구 출마선언에서 “수박의 뿌리요, 줄기요, 수박 그 자체인 전해철과 싸우러 간다. 민주당에 치명적인 반개혁 세력인 ‘수박’의 뿌리를 뽑아버리겠다. 수박 자체를 깨뜨려 버리겠다”고 밝혔다.

이에 개딸들은 SNS에 ‘수박 본진 전해철 털러 간다’ ‘양문석, 안산 상록갑 해처리 격파 임무’라고 소속원 신분으로 밝혔다.

민주당 윤리심판원은 11월 29일 양 후보가 지역출마 경쟁자인 전해철 의원에게 5개월 전부터 ‘수박’(겉은 민주당 속은 국힘당) 용어 사용에 대해 ‘당직자격 정지 3개월’로 당직없는 그에게 ‘총선 출마 자격 부여’로 판정해 이 대표가 양 후보와 공조를 보였다.

이 대표 친위대인 개딸들에서 민주당 수박 공격의 대표 주자인 양 후보자는 2021년 대학생인 자녀가 사업자 대출로 부모 아파트 담보로 대구 새마을금고에서 11억원 소상공인 사업자 대출하며, 40억대 서울 고가 아파트를 5개월전 구입했고, 양 후보자는 언론에 "부동산이 (대출) 소개했다"고 밝혀 대출 주선의 '기관'이 외부 개입의 관건이 됐다.

그는 공천에 대한 비판 질의에 “수용한 후 선거가 끝난 다음 보완책 마련”으로 선거에서 당헌이 금지한 정당 추천에 대한 국민 의견 수렴 과실 수정의 정당 기능 패쇄로 대표 독점 체제 유지를 밝혔다.

민주당 당헌 3조는 <정당의 3권 분립과 중앙당과 시·도당의 분권 등을 통해 정당민주주의를 구현한다>고 명시했다.

그는 이재명 대표의 ‘대선 패배’ 책임에 대해 “몇 달 칩거”로 책임 면책했다며, 추미애 전 장관의 ‘윤석열 징계 실패로 인기 상승해 대통령 당선 책임’에 대해 “언론의 함정”이고 “소신에 따라 바른말을 한 것인데 그게 왜 나쁘다고 하는지 이해할 수 없다”고 반박했다.

그는 “평가위원들이 어떻게 구성됐는지는 모른다”며 “정당엔 기율있는데 (중략) 국회의원들이 자기 마음대로 행동하고 있다 (중략) 그러니 180석 가지고 개혁하지 못했다는 말이 나온다”고 ‘42.5% 새얼굴 교체’를 인터뷰에서 밝혔고, 이 대표는 현역 낙천이 나온 직후 기자들 앞에서 웃었고 유세 지원에 SNS에 “우리 민주당 국회의원과”로 처음 ‘우리’를 사용했다. 

공천에 의한 ‘정당 민주주의 과잉’을 ‘기율’로 통제하는 과정에 외부 기관의 ‘개입’ 여부가 새 쟁점으로 보인다.

임 위원장은 공관위원장이 된 이유에 대해 “미국의 딸 집에 머물던 작년 12월28일에 이재명 대표가 전화 했다. 고민 후 수락했다”고 밝혔다.

Lim Hyeok-baek removes obstruction in the process of forming party opinions, revives ‘fascism’ dominated by national party members and local lawmakers

Lim Hyeok-baek, chairman of the Democratic Party's official committee, said that 40 people agreed to the arrest of Lee Jae-myeong due to 'excessive democracy' and announced the revival of the 'fascist system' by operating the system of national party members with the strategy of 'removing opponents in the process of adopting the party platform'.

Chairman Lim stated in the ‘Kyunghyang Shinmun’ that the decision to ‘dismiss Park Yong-jin’s retrial alone’ was ‘applied to the appeal of the party rules’, but the party rules clearly stated that it was ‘the authority of the retrial committee’, which appears to be a violation of the party rules.

Regarding the Democratic Party in particular, Chairman Lim said, “Democratic excess has occurred,” and added, “Isn’t there as many as 40 people who voted in favor of the motion to arrest the party leader to send him to prison? There is a thing called discipline in political parties. “The problem is that the members of the National Assembly are acting as they please,” he said, switching to a political party system with a nomination criterion that prioritizes “discipline” over the party’s platform.

Chairman Lim said on the 26th, “The media should not unilaterally listen only to non-group positions. He said, “We made nominations that fit the public’s expectations,” and “replaced 7 out of 8 places in Gwangju with high political awareness,” and changed “strong party member” to “people,” saying, “the citizens of Gwangju say thank you,” and focused on representative lawyer Lee in Gwangju. nominated.

In an exclusive interview with the 'Kyunghyang Shinmun', he said that Gwangju citizens were 'grateful for being eliminated from active duty' and used 'the people' as a strategy for 'removing constituency members by national party members' in 'selection of candidates eliminated from the primary based on the public's perspective' and 'complementing the post-election system'. By formalizing it, the political system of 'lawmaker domination' by hard-core party members was revived in the fascist party system.

Chairman Lim repeatedly defined 'the media as the enemy', deliberately altered the 'nationwide party members' applied by the diplomatic committee to 'citizens' applied by the media, and intensively attacked the party's media surveillance function, saying, "The media was at fault." Democracy was destroyed.

He said, “Aren’t the groups that the media defends the members of the National Assembly who want to spend their entire lives worrying only about the achievements in democratization?” He added, “Gwangju citizens, who have the highest political awareness in Korea, say they are grateful to Lim Hyuk-baek’s diplomatic committee, saying they did a great job. He explained the reason for his ‘attack on the media’ by saying, “That is the public’s expectations, but is the media doing its job if it is paying attention to politicians with vested interests?”

In response to the question, ‘Why did the chairman alone dismiss Rep. Park’s application for reconsideration without a meeting of the diplomatic committee?’, Chairman Lim responded, “At the second general meeting of the diplomatic committee, all authority regarding notification of the bottom 20% and processing of objections was delegated to the chairman of the diplomatic committee, and the party regulations “When processing an appeal, if there is no obvious procedural defect, it will be dismissed, so I dismissed all of those I appealed to,” he responded.

The Democratic Party's rules, ‘Section 5 Public Official Election Candidate Recommendation Reexamination Committee’, are defined in Article 25 (Duties and Authority). In this case, it is clearly stated that the Central Party Review Committee is in charge, so the review committee should take charge.

On the other hand, the party regulations stipulate that for the Public Officials Committee, <Article 17 (Duties and Authority) ① The Nomination Management Committee manages and supervises matters related to the overall recommendation of candidates for public office elections> and <② The Nomination Management Committee shall monitor the fairness and integrity of the selection process for candidates for public office elections. In order to increase efficiency, Chairman Lim violated party regulations by stipulating that subcommittees and necessary organizations may be established by resolution of the committee, thereby granting only management and supervision authority.

Democratic Party Kang-gyu <Article 8 (Objection Processing Committee) ① In order to process objections to the preliminary candidate qualification review, a preliminary candidate qualification review objection processing committee is established in the Central Party and city/provincial parties.> Initially, only regarding the 'qualification review'. This applies, and Chairman Lim is guilty of intentional negligence.

Article 9 (Objection) stipulates that <① If the party applying for the preliminary candidate qualification review has an objection to the results of the qualification review, the application is made to the Central Party Objection Processing Committee for the National Assembly election within 48 hours from the time of the announcement of the review result.>

Regarding Rep. Park Yong-jin's elimination, he said, "Rep. Park Yong-jin is a solitary man and his legislative activity score is very low. He is considered a congressman who does not tend to act cooperatively with fellow lawmakers in adopting the party line." Blocking other opinions during the ‘adoption process’ was announced as a criterion for selecting those who were eliminated.

In response to the question, “The Morality Verification Subcommittee agreed to give candidate Yang Moon-seok a morality score of 0, and it was claimed that Chairman Lim pushed for candidate Yang’s participation in the primary without discussion,” he responded, “I am sure that the majority did not give 0 points.” “There was no suggestion that candidate Yang Moon-seok should not be given the opportunity to run in the primary,” he said, avoiding system nomination by substituting “opinion” in the member score evaluation system.

In particular, he responded to a question about candidate Yang Moon-seok, saying, "He made remarks such as 'watermelon', 'garbage', and 'dung' to the opposition within the party." When a member of the diplomatic committee asked candidate Yang, "Can I say something rude like watermelon?" he responded, "I wasn't talking about animals, I was talking about plants." He replied, “I just talked about it,” and confirmed that candidate Yang Moon-seok won the nomination despite his “disparaging questioning of the diplomatic committee.”

Candidate Yang, who is the representative leader of the Democratic Party's watermelon attack among the dog daughters of Lee's representative body, borrowed 1.1 billion won from Daegu Saemaeul Geumgo as a business loan for his children, who are college students in 2021, and purchased an expensive apartment in Seoul worth 4 billion won 8 months ago. It was revealed to the media that “real estate introduced (the loan),” making the ‘institution’ responsible for arranging the loan the key to external intervention.

Candidate Yang declared his candidacy for the constituency on June 5 last year, saying, “I am going to fight against Jeon Hae-cheol, the root and stem of the watermelon, and the watermelon itself. We will root out ‘Watermelon’, the anti-reform force that is fatal to the Democratic Party. “I will break the watermelon itself,” he said.

Accordingly, the Dog Daughters announced on social media, ‘We are going to rob Jeon Hae-cheol at Subak’s headquarters’ and ‘Miss Moon-seok Yang, the mission is to defeat Hae-churi at Sangnok-gap in Ansan.’

On November 29, the Democratic Party's Ethics Tribunal suspended Candidate Yang from his party position for three months and granted him the right to run in the general election for using the term 'Subak' (on the outside, the Democratic Party on the outside, the People Power Party on the inside) to Rep. Jeon Hae-cheol, a local rival, for using the term 'Subak' (on the outside, the Democratic Party, on the inside, the People Power Party) for five months. It was decided that Representative Lee cooperated with Candidate Yang.

Candidate Yang, the leader of the Democratic Party's watermelon attack, said his college student son purchased an expensive apartment in Seoul with a business loan of 1.1 billion won from Daegu Saemaeul Geumgo in 2021, and candidate Yang revealed to the media that "real estate introduced (the loan)." The ‘institution’ of good offices became the key to external intervention.

In response to a question criticizing the nomination, he stated that he would maintain a monopoly system for elections by saying, “After accepting it, we will prepare supplementary measures after the election.”

He said that he absolved himself of responsibility for Representative Lee Jae-myung's 'defeat in the presidential election' by "staying in seclusion for several months", and regarding former Minister Choo Mi-ae's 'responsibility for winning the presidency due to the rise in popularity due to the failure to discipline Yoon Seok-yeol', he said, "It is a trap of the media" and "It is a trap of the media." “I just said it, but I don’t understand why they say it’s bad,” he countered.

He said, “I don’t know how the evaluation committee was composed,” and “There is discipline in political parties (omitted), but the National Assembly members are acting as they want (omitted), so they are saying that reform was not possible with 180 seats,” he said in an interview with ‘42.5% Replacement with New Faces’. As stated in , Representative Lee laughed in front of reporters right after his optimism for incumbent office came out and used 'we' for the first time on social media in support of the campaign, saying, "We, the Democratic Party of Korea's National Assembly members."

The ‘intervention’ of external organizations appears to be a new issue in the process of controlling ‘excessive party democracy’ through nomination through ‘discipline.’

Article 3 of the Democratic Party's constitution states that "party democracy will be realized through the separation of powers between political parties and decentralization of power between the central party and city/provincial parties."

Regarding the reason he became chairman of the diplomatic committee, Chairman Lim said, “CEO Jae-myung Lee called me on December 28 last year while I was staying at my daughter’s house in the United States. He said, “After thinking about it, I accepted.”

Chairman of the diplomatic committee, nomination review, party line, Park Young-jin, Yang Moon-seok, Lee Jae-myung, Im Hyuk-baek, retrial dismissed, national party member, fascism, Subak

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