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by 김종찬 Mar 31. 2024

양문석후보재산신고‘사채 11억누락’민주당‘적격분류'공천

Candidate Yang Moon-seok’s assets ‘missi

양문석 후보 재산 신고 ‘사채 11억 누락’ 민주당 ‘적격분류’ 공천   


양문석 후보가 재산 신고에 ‘사채 11억 누락’에 민주당 공관위가 ‘적격 후보’로 분류해 재산 심사를 하지 않고 공천 결정한 것으로 확인됐다.

민주당은 양 후보가 매입가로 신고한 31억2천만원에서 1년 반 후 공천자 재산 신고액은 21억5천으로 대폭 하락시킨 것을 '적격'으로 판정해 양자 공모를 보인다.

김민석 상황실장은 '서류 누락은 없다'고 밝혔고, 양 후보자의 장녀는 별도 재산신고에 새마을금고 채무 11억원을 고지하고 양 후보는 장녀 계좌에 입급된 11억원을 당일 부부 명의 자산으로 전환하며 '사채 11억 발생'에 대해 재산신고에서 고의 누락을 인지 후 묵인했다.

양 후보는 30일 31억2천만원 아파트 구입 자금에 대해 ‘지인에게서 먼저 5억원 빌리고 친척이 6억을 빌려주기로 했다가 안 줘 6억3천을 대부업체에서 빌렸다’고, 딸이 사업자대출로 11억원 대출한 돈으로 ‘변제’했음을 확인하며 11억원의 채무에 대해 민주당 후보공천심사에서 재산 신고를 누락한 것으로 보인다.

양 후보는 민주당 공천심사 재산신고에서 사업자등록이 된 딸의 재산은 ‘고지 거부’했고, 서약서로 “재산신고 내용이 동일하지 않은 경우 불이익을 받을 수 있다”고 서명 제출했다.

양 후보는 30일 SNS에 "아파트 마지막 잔금 6억원가량을 치러야 하는데 빌려주기로 한 친척에게 사정이 생겨, 급히 부동산 중개 업소에 문의하니 한 대부 업체를 소개해줬다. 이때 빌린 돈이 6억3000만원이다"라며 "대부업체에서 빌린 돈 6억3000만원, 지인들에게 중도금을 내면서 빌린 돈을 한꺼번에 갚는 데 5억원가량 등 11억원이 소요됐다"고 딸에게서 ‘채무 11억원’을 확인했다.

양 후보는 딸이 새마을금고 사업자대출금 인출 날자일 하루동안 대부업체에 변제하며 새마을금고가 먼저 ‘대부업체 6억 근저당 설정’ 위에 다시 설정하고, 이를 다시 대부업체가 근거당을 푸는 방법을 썼고, 이날 이후 딸과의 대여금 약정을 맺지 않았고, 증여세 신고도 하지 않았다.

양 후보가 선택한 증여세 회피는 11억원에 대해 2022년 8월부터 신고기한이 지나 40%에 지연 부과금까지 5억 이상 부과될 것으로 보인다.

양 후보는 앞서 최초 보도가 나오자 ‘방배 반포 전셋집 전전에서 집을 사려고 결심해 대출을 알아봤다’고 밝혀, 11억원 부채를 통해 아파트 구입을 처음부터 시도한 것으로 보인다.

양 후보는 재산신고는 2020년 8월6일 서울 서초구 잠원동 137.10㎡ , 41평 아파트에 본인 25%, 배우자 75% 지분 공동 보유 21억원이며, 매입 당시 신고액은 31억2천만원에서 현재 시세가 서울시 재건축 인가로 인해 40억원대 후반으로 신고액의 2배이상 시세 차익에 부채 11억원을 넘어섰고 10억원이 남는다.

양 후보는 아파트에 담보를 통해 대학생 딸이 사업자로 11억원 대출을 받은 것에 "편법이었다. 당시 대출이 새마을금고 제안에 따라 이뤄진 것“이라 30일 밝혔고, 앞서 ‘아파드 사기 위해 대출 알아봤다’ ‘부동산중개소가 소개했다’ 등으로 밝혔다.

딸의 사업자대출 11억원은 원리금변제가 아닌 ‘이자만 변제후 원금 최종 변제’로 아파트 매각후 이익금에서 변제할 수 있다.

민주당 중진 의원은 양 후보에 대해 "물론 금전적인 문제니까 깊이 사죄하면 되는 것이지 사퇴시킬 사안은 아니다"라고 뉴시스에 30일 말했다. 

뉴시스는 민주당 일부 지도부 관계자와 현역 의원들 사이에서는 크게 우려하지 않는 듯한 분위기다고 이날 보도했다. 

민주당은 공천심사를 통해 공천 직전 딸의 돈 11억원을 빌려서 사채 11억원을 갚는 관계에서 양 후보가 '사업자 딸 재산 고지 거부'를 정상으로 인정해 '적격' 판정하고 공직자 재산 신고에서 '부채 11억원 은닉'을 정상으로 이날 발표했다

Candidate Yang Moon-seok’s assets ‘missing 1.1 billion won in private loans’ Democratic Party ‘qualifies’ nomination

It was confirmed that Candidate Yang Moon-seok was classified as a ‘qualified candidate’ by the Democratic Party’s Public Affairs Committee due to ‘1.1 billion KRW in private loans omitted’ in his asset report and decided to nominate him without conducting a assets review.

The Democratic Party judged the candidate Yang's reported purchase price of 3.12 billion won, which was significantly lowered from the reported purchase price to 2.1 billion won a year and a half later, to be 'qualified', showing bilateral collusion.

Kim Min-seok, the head of the situation office, said, 'There are no documents missing,' and Candidate Yang's eldest daughter notified Saemaul Geumgo's debt of 1.1 billion won in a separate property report, and Candidate Yang converted 1.1 billion won deposited into the eldest daughter's account into assets in the couple's name on the same day and 'private loan 11. After recognizing the intentional omission in the asset report regarding the 'generating hundreds of millions of dollars', the company ignored it.

Candidate Yang said on the 30th about the funds to purchase an apartment worth 3.12 billion won, 'I first borrowed 500 million won from an acquaintance, and then a relative agreed to lend me 600 million won, but he did not give me a loan, so I borrowed 630 million won from a loan company,' and his daughter borrowed 1.1 billion won from a business loan. It appears that he omitted to report assets in the Democratic Party candidate nomination screening for the 1.1 billion won debt, confirming that he had 'repaid' with the loaned money.

Candidate Yang ‘refused to notify’ his daughter’s property, which was registered as a business, in the Democratic Party nomination review property report, and signed and submitted a pledge saying, “If the contents of the property report are not the same, she may be disadvantaged.”

Candidate Yang posted on SNS on the 30th, "I need to pay the final balance of about 600 million won for an apartment, but the relative who was supposed to lend me the loan came up with a situation, so I quickly inquired with a real estate brokerage and they introduced me to a loan company. At this time, the amount borrowed was 630 million won." He said, "It took 1.1 billion won, including 630 million won borrowed from a loan company and about 500 million won to repay the money borrowed from acquaintances at once," and confirmed the '1.1 billion won debt' with his daughter.

Candidate Yang used the method of repaying the loan company for one day on the day his daughter withdrew the business loan from Saemaul Geumgo, and Saemaul Geumgo first set it again on the '600 million won mortgage set by the loan company' and then the loan company solved the mortgage amount on that day. Afterwards, he did not enter into a loan agreement with his daughter and did not file a gift tax return.

For the 1.1 billion won in gift tax avoidance chosen by candidate Yang, it is expected that more than 500 million won will be imposed from August 2022, including overdue late reporting fees. 

When the first reports came out, Candidate Yang revealed, ‘I decided to buy a house in Bangbae and Banpo and looked for a loan,’ so it appears that he attempted to purchase an apartment from the beginning with a debt of 1.1 billion won.

Candidate Yang reported his assets on August 6, 2020, jointly owning a 137.10㎡, 41 pyeong apartment in Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, with a 25% stake for himself and a 75% stake for his spouse for KRW 2.1 billion. The reported amount at the time of purchase was KRW 3.12 billion, and the current market price is KRW 3.1 billion. Due to the approval, the market profit is in the high 4 billion won range, more than double the reported amount, and the debt exceeds 1.1 billion won, with 1 billion won remaining.

Candidate Yang revealed on the 30th that his college student daughter received a loan of 1.1 billion won as a business owner through collateral for an apartment, saying, "It was an expedient. At the time, the loan was made in accordance with Saemaul Geumgo's proposal." He previously said, "I looked into a loan to buy an apartment." It was introduced by a real estate agency, etc.

The daughter's business loan of 1.1 billion won can be repaid from the profits after the sale of the apartment through ‘interest only and final payment of principal’ rather than principal and interest repayment.

A senior Democratic Party lawmaker told Newsis on the 30th, "Of course, it is a financial issue, so a deep apology is sufficient, but it is not an issue that will require his resignation."

Newsis reported on this day that there does not seem to be much concern among some Democratic Party leadership officials and incumbent lawmakers.

Through the nomination screening process, the Democratic Party recognized candidate Yang's 'refusal to notify business owner's daughter's assets' as normal in relation to borrowing 1.1 billion won of his daughter's money and repaying 1.1 billion won of private loans just before nomination, and judged him 'eligible', and 'concealed 1.1 billion won in debt' in the public official's asset report. ' was announced today as the summit.

Nomination review, Democratic Party, private loans, market profit, missing report, apartment loan, Yang Moon-seok, reconstruction apartment, property report, candidate nomination

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