
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jun 29. 2024

do you know.. ?

rainy day blue

Even before five minutes of walking, the lower half of my pants were completely soaked.

I was supposed to go golfing today with my buddies, but we canceled yesterday because of the forecast of lightning and rain with a 90% chance for the whole day. Why Saturday? Why does it rain every Saturday these days?? Darn...

But.. you might like such sweet, melancholic, and wet mood like walking in the rain, singing in the rain, or even whistling in the rain. :p

Rain suits the city well. It clears everything and helps reveal their true colors and textures more vividly. I love rain in the city.

And I love walking in the rain.

In about 20 minutes I ended up sitting in a stool in the cozy corner table at Starbucks with a cup of hot dark roasted and a piece of ginger cookie. Not too bad than golfing.

Do you know where you're going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you?

Where are you going to?

Do you know?


Do you get what you're hoping for?

When you look behind you,

there's no open doors.

What are you hoping for?

Do you know?

다이애나 로스가 영화 마호가니의 ost 로부른 곡이 떠올라 휘파람을 계속 분다.

우리는 어디로 가고 있는 것일까. 내 산책의 끝은 어딜까..

정의롭고 착한 토론토 대학 행정 당국은 결국 이 불쌍하고 외로운 팔레스타인 시위대를 캠퍼스에서 몰아내지 않았다. 뭉클하다. 캐나다 정신 만세!

Travis.. Sing

* 배꼽 빠짐 주의 ㅋ

Have a good one guys and stay dry!

매거진의 이전글 gypsy jazz
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