
You can make anything
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by adventureun May 23. 2022

Learning to Lead Like Jesus

Boyd Bailey

Location 202

courageous enough to take the people to a   daring destination, yet humble enough to selflessly serve others on the   journey.”

Location 224

Wise leaders are learners. If they stop learning, they stop leading   wisely. Leaders who learn ask the right questions, get the most accurate   answers, and make the wisest decisions. How can I get out of the way and   support the team to be successful? How can our organization integrate and   sustain best practices, to go from good to great? The Lord is eager to pour   out wisdom into earnest and humble hearts. So

Location 285

Discipline, motivated by grace, allows us to run our race with holy   pleasure over a lifetime.

Location 293

is Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes   others will be refreshed.”

Location 300

“How do you know if someone needs encouraging? If they are breathing,”   said Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A. Everyday life steals courage   from all of us, so we have the opportunity every day to bring back courage to   depleted hearts, and to accept courage from others. Encouragement helps us   carry on, knowing we are not alone.

Location 326

A friend once said to me, “Boyd, as long as you write, lead, and speak   out of your weaknesses and struggles, you will never lack content.” And boy   was he right. This book is based on ideas and lessons from the failures,   adversity, and lessons learned by myself and others.

Location 363

he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what   you said to him.

Location 377

Wise leaders walk in humility, preferring others above themselves, and   deferring to other needy souls.

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Humble leaders show respect by planning ahead and listening to others.

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instructional and inspirational. With him I knew I had room for failure,   but my goal was growth.

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We do our best under leaders who make us feel valued and who challenge us   to reach our capacity.

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TAKEAWAY: Humble leaders use words to build up and not tear down.

Location 583

Wise leaders quickly give away credit to others and to the team as a   whole. Credit given recognizes the contribution, skill, and smarts of all the   staff.

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A humble leader’s example of blame-taking is infectious to followers.

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When you learn how to effectively take blame for failures and give credit   for successes, you exhibit wisdom in leadership.

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1. Humble leaders show respect by planning ahead and listening to others.     2. Humble leaders ask God for wisdom to discern right from wrong.     3. Humble leaders celebrate the successes of others and are   inspired by them.

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4. Humble leaders use words to build up and not tear down.   5.   Humble leaders use brokenness as a pathway to greater intimacy with God.     6. Humble leaders do what’s best for “us,” not just what’s best   for “me.”   7. Humble leaders give credit for successes to others   and to the team.

Location 656

when leaders admit their failures, weaknesses, and struggles, they can   build bridges to other hearts because they are real and relatable.

Location 696

A Point to Ponder: Loving patience responds with a cool head and resists   a hotheaded reaction.

Location 700

Those who lack peace also struggle with patience. Love is patient with   impatience.

Location 724

Loving leadership waits for a better day.

Location 930

So love is a great backdrop for being a wise leader like Jesus. Humility   is the easel, love is the canvas, and Jesus is the artist!

Location 1097

TAKEAWAY: Accountable leaders clarify for their families what’s most   important in life.

Location 1122

“marry someone who loves what you love, who will dream with you, and who   will give you the confidence and emotional support to be successful!” Timely   advice for the couple who would soon marry.

Location 1239

Low priority tasks may be more fun and easier, but high priority tasks   bring the best long-term fulfillment.

Location 1252

Accountable leaders set deadlines to help facilitate healthy decision   making.

Location 1270

A Point to Ponder: It’s better to take the risk of disappointing people   who don’t know you than to routinely disappoint those close to you.

Location 1293

Wisdom in leadership learns to train up other faithful leaders.

Location 1366

Wisdom in leadership prioritizes relationships first.

Location 1629

Friendships should strengthen the team but not unduly dilute courageous   leadership decisions.

Location 1782

By God’s grace, grow in patience and perseverance. Take time to learn the   ways of Jesus by following the Spirit of Truth with a humble heart. What is   unclear becomes lucid as you wait on the Lord. Submit to the Lord and become   a lifelong learner. Aspire to learn from the Spirit so you can be led by the   Spirit. The Holy Spirit directs a life in motion, so stay in the process of   proceeding through the unknown. The promised land is acquired by those who   learn and apply their heavenly Father’s promises. Wisdom in leadership allows   the Lord to prepare them to receive truth.

Location 1808

TAKEAWAY: Teachable leaders are patient to make things better, before   becoming bigger.

Location 1986

My thought is that the more we build our motivation around caring for our   soul, the more we will have the understanding and focus to follow God and His   will for our lives.

Location 2125

“Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must   ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”

Location 2165

“Prepare your work outside and get it ready for yourself in the field;   afterward build your house and establish a home” (Proverbs 24:27 AMP).

Location 2395

Heavenly Father, help me not forget that I work for You and with You to   do great work.

Location 2544

But we can strive for excellence, and we need to strive for excellence   because we want to reflect God. Really anything less than our absolute best   is not a good reflection of Him. And so, we want to do our best to be   excellent in everything we do, from the way guests experience our businesses,   to the quality of our products, to our hotel accommodations and guesthouses,   to the restaurant’s personalized service and appetizing food.

Location 2749

she was able to see my need for approval and acceptance, in a way that   brought out the best in me and gave me confidence to lead her and our family   well.

Location 3013

It’s mentioned 115 times in the Bible. While it is a spiritual gift, all   of us can be encouragers. We can instill courage in someone who may need just   a little, to get them through life’s challenges.

Location 3026

Use me every day to give someone courage—the gift of encouragement—to   face whatever challenges they face. In Jesus’s name, Amen!”

Location 3474

Do you need to step up into a more responsible leadership role so the   organization can grow to the next level? What’s holding you

Location 3476

Leaders with no fear might not be realistic about what they face. Those   the Lord calls, He equips with skills, He empowers with wisdom, and He   encourages with results. Failure is an option for learners. So, step up and   make room for success!

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