
You can make anything
by writing


by adventureun May 23. 2022

Reflection on book

Learning to lead like a Jesus.

Humility, Love, Accountability, relationships, Teachabilities, Dicplines, gratitude, generosity, Forgiveness, encouragement


1. Do you think about yourself more than other people when you are in the presence, or are you focused on their needs? What are some ways you can show someone you defer to then and prefer their desires above your own? How do humility and wisdom go together?

I think I am too focused on myself - about my comforts and recognition from other people. It makes me not to content with my life and less being honest with people. This is very difficult question when it comes to think of me as a leader at work because I am too self-concisous about it everyday thinking too much about how to be more easier at work. When I think of me as a leader at church, it was super simple. I was not worried at all, because the number one priority was people and the results came after it when I delegate and trust people. I know I have all the resources God sent me to this beautiful work place but I am not just happy. 

2. Do you expect to be served or to serve? Are you seeking to advance your kingdom or God's kingdom? How did Jesus live out humility in a way that is attractive and challenging? What does it mean to seek first God's kingdom? Why is it wise to seek God's kingdom first?

I expect to serve people but it is not just natural and it is not from my deep down from my heart. I used to be very good at those.. I think I am frightend, I am not doing well here. People around me was my first priority but now, I feel I am not 100% ready for this role and job. I don't know how my motivation back to here.

3. What evidence of humility is there in your life? What areas of your life would an honest friend say are prideful? How can you keep spritual pride from causing you to look down on others? How does pride affect your ability to gain wisdom?

I am very proud of my God giving me hope, wisdom and ability to work. However, my interests is always on people who are better educated, working at better job and with better English skills. I am not satisfied with what I have even though God lead me to so different ways that other have never gotten into. I know God has lead me to a little bit difficult way which I use to be very thankful for, but these days I am loosing my gratutide in him for some reason. 


1. Are you aware of how you are loved by your heavenly Father, so that it instills peace, comfort, and security into your heart? How does the Lord see you at his Child? Is your identity based on God's love for you? or on other inferior, distorted, and undependable loves? How does Christ's love help you grow a heart of wisdom?

No matter where I am, what situations I was in, I was able to find God in me, and comforting me. I cried out to Lord to help me and stay with me. However, these days I am loosing my service, prayers and my song to God. My life is going without the core of it. That is why I am feeling more and more wanting something more easy things in my life. Life is an adventure the sentence was my favorite quote, but I am loosing it. Through This COVID quarantine time, he made me realize it. It is time to Wake-up!!

2. Do you love others conditionally or unconditionally? Is there someone who desperately needs your love, who is in sorrowful season? Who do you need love from more than anyone else? How do you need for them to love you? How can wisdom help you to love in better ways?

I think I started forgot how to love people unconditionally. I need to ask for help. All my wisdom comes from God. 

3.  Is it hard for you to love those who are different from you? How did Jesus relate to those different from Him? How does the Lord want you to love someone who does not understand you and perhaps you don't understand? Why is it wise to love your enemies?

It is sometimes easy when someone is younger than me, but for the people who are older than me, I think I expect to them have more mature mindset. I don't know where it comes from probably it is something from my background that I am young but that had to behave like I am an mature person which my mother always requires me to do. 


1. Truly accountable means to me fully do it with Love and motivation. If I don't have true motivation that : Helping others.. I am lost. I think after I got marries I am too focused on my own life than other people around me and spending time alone at home rather than communicating with people it makes my life more not organized. 

2. I think being accountable to Lord is spending my time and money to him. 


1. I have tendency to avoid relationship with people because I am already too busy with a lot of things. It is hard to list those things making me keep busy, but I am too busy.

I think I spend too much time for Youtube and thinking myself I am too busy.

2. My mentor is my boss I guess. Thinking about my career at this moment I can't think of anyone. I think my sister is my mentor, but others I don't think I have a great mentor yet. 

3. First, I think I really need to know myself. If I am the person enjoying working alone or working with people. If I am really confident enough to support people and their growth.


1. I want to study Psalms & Provers!!


1. Do your routines reflect a life in need of God's wisdom? 

Do you take time in the morning to reflect on truth and renew your mind?

listen to teaching, an inspring life story, uplifting worship?


1. Gratitude is an attitude that gives life and extends life. How is thankfullness expresses in your life? Why is it wise to also genuinly acknowlege another person's gratitude toward you?

What is your life purpose?

- To love God by being a faithful wife, engaged Mom, loyal friend, and loving leader.

- To learn and grow everyday to be fruitful

- Community: being a great community member

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