
You can make anything
by writing


by Zero Q Mar 14. 2024

Introduction for a New Chapter

New Beginning

This is Zero Q, the Man who reads Finance.

The reason I don't write for a while is that my writings are not interesting.

I used to explain finance with 4 episodes.

Precisely speaking, I used to "type" about finance.

Originally, writings, especially writings about somewhat difficult topics like finance, have to be readable and easy to understand.

However, mine was not.

It is easy to understand for me who majored in finance and works in a finance field, but people who don't might feel uncomfortable and exhausted.

Above all, mine was like a study material.

It is just like an explanation, nothing more than that.

Considering my orginal purpose to write is to make people who don't know about finanace at all undestand it easily, mine was out of the purpose.

I could "type" if the purpose is delivering information.

I don't want to.

I hope my readers do the same as my brother.

He hadn't known anything about finance.

He has heard finance knowledge from me and now manages his budget by himself and constructs his own portfolio.

Thus, I decide to change the theme.

My writings will be reborn as a guidebook which is easy to understand and confortable to read.

I'll see you in the next writing.

                                                                                                          - Zero Q, the Man who reads Finance

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