
You can make anything
by writing


[보헤미안 랩소디]
No Going Back.

[영화] Bohemian Rhapsody (보헤미안랩소디)

[영화] Bohemian Rhapsody (보헤미안 랩소디)/Bryan Singer

Roger Taylor: You're a legend, Freddy.

Freddie Mercury: We're all legends. No going back. Let's go and punch a hole in the roof of Wembley Stadium.

Brian May: ..Actually, Wembley Stadium doesn't have a roof.

Freddie Mercury: Then we'll punch a hole in the sky!

로저 테일러: 너는 전설이야, 프레디. 

프레디 머큐리: 우리 모두가 전설이지. 앞만 보고 갈거야. 우리들 목소리가 웸블리 스타디움 천장을 뚫을 거야.

브라이언 메이: ..사실, 웸블리엔 천장이 없어.

프레디 머큐리: 그럼 하늘을 뚫으면 되지!

"I decide who I am"


ps. "Who even is Galileo?"

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