
매거진 Our Korea

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by 이정환 Sep 16. 2018

Korean Cafe

If you ever come to South Korea, you definitely saw a number of cafes every cornor. About 15 years ago, many people played sports and computer game at home, but these days many people visit cafe to drink coffee or tea. 

Coffee shops have exsisted since 1970, but after Starbucks entered in Korea in 1997, it became a game changer. Most Korean people thought that coffee shop is for old people, who retired and have nothing to do. 

However, Starbucks changed our perspective. Now many young people go to cafes to meet friends, family, clients, etc. Some people visit cafe to organize their thinking and relax. 

Few decades ago cafe was a place where old people smoke and waste their time, but now cafe provides a lot of option. That is the main reason why there are so many cafe in Korea. 

As you may think, comptition is really fierece in Korea. Coffee was originally quite expensive few years ago contrary to other country, but major coffee brands decreased their coffee price to attract more customers. 

In addition to the reduced price, coffee shops continually invent promotional drinks and gift to satisfy their customers.

Although Korea import coffee from abroad, coffee is always fresh and tasty. I am sure you can experience amazing coffee in Korea.  

매거진의 이전글 Rainny Day 
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