
매거진 Travel Lab

You can make anything
by writing


by 케이틀린 Oct 17. 2021

떠오르는 데스티네이션 마케팅

Up and Coming Destination Marketing 

BTS 부터 시작해 Black Pink.. 그리고 최근에는 오징어게임까지 

한국의 문화 컨텐츠가 세계적인 인기를 끌게 되면서 우리 나라가 "여행지"로써도 새롭게 조명을 받고 있다. 

As Korea is gaining more and more attention thanks to amazing K-POP artists and K-Dramas 

To name a few, from BTS to Black Pink.. and recently to the Squid Game on Netflix, 

More and more peoplea are considering Korea as their next travel destination, or at least, including in their To-Visit List. 

이에 발 맞추어 정부 차원에서, 그리고 작게는 지역 차원에서, 

다른 차원으로는 관광지나 숙박업소 등이 많은 외국인들이 한국을 방문하도록 세계 시장 홍보에 힘을 쏟기 시작하고 있다. 

그리고 반대로는, 팬데믹 때문에 억눌려왔던 한국인들의 여행 욕망이 곧 터져나올 것을 예상하며 여기저기에서 여행 산업에 앞다투어 투자를 시작하고 있는 요즘이다. 

외국인들이 우리 나라에 여행을 오는 시장을 바로 인바운드 (Inbound) 시장으로 부르며 

우리 나라 사람들이 외국으로 여행을 가는 시장은 반대로 아웃바운드 (Outbound) 시장이라 한다. 

인바운드 그리고 아웃바운드 여행 시장에서 홍보/마케팅 활동을 "데스티네이션 마케팅"이라 칭하는데 

물론, 인/아웃바운드 외에 국내 내수 여행 시장도 포함이다. 

여행시장의 매력에 빠져 데스티네이션 마케팅 업계에 3년 전 입문한 후에야 구체적으로 알게된 데스티네이션 마케팅의 정의와 영역, 그리고 제가 새롭게 포함하고자 하는 영역을 함께 정리해보겠습니다. 

쉽게 말해, 데스티네이션 마케팅이란 특정 장소 혹은 지역을 마케팅해서 더 많은 사람들이 방문하도록 유도함으로써 결국 경제적인 이득을 추구하는 활동을 말한다. 마케팅 대상은? 장소 그 자체를 대표하는 기관 (빌딩, 도시, 관광지에서부터 크게는 국가까지) 혹은  지역에 방문하는 사람들로부터 이익을 취하는 기관 (항공, 여행사 등)을 모두 포함한다. 결국 해당 지역을 최대한 매력적으로 보이도록 함으로써 더 많은 사람들이 그 지역에 방문할 수 있도록, 지역의 인지도를 높이고 긍정적인 이미지를 제고함에 목적이 있는 것이다. 

Ultimately, the purpose of destination marketing is to make your location or destination seem more attractive than the main alternatives, boosting the number of people who travel there and assisting the local travel industry. It is also about increasing awareness of the destination, with a view to raising demand and improving its reputation. This includes local and national governments, airlines, travel agents, but also entertainment venues, tourist attractions and operators of hotels and resorts. 

왜 데스티네이션 마케팅이 중요한가? 

라고 했을 때, 점점 국가간의 이동이 용이해짐에 따라 여행 시장의 볼륨이 커져가기 때문에 

마치 식당 경쟁이 치열해지면 경쟁력과 차별성 확보를 위해 마케팅이 필요하듯이 여행지를 홍보할 필요성이 커지는 것! 

장소의 매력과 차별성을 알려서 경쟁지가 아닌 자신의 지역을 방문하도록 유도해야 하는 것이다. 

뮤지컬하면 뉴욕의 브로드웨이가 생각나고, 프랑스하면 에펠탑이 생각나는 것이 데스티네이션 마케팅의 결과라고 생각하면 된다. 

Why is Destination Marketing Important?

To attract travellers to a certain destination, it is important that the plus points of that destination are highlighted. This is especially crucial when one destination is competing with another for the same tourists or visitors. An example of this would be both the Caribbean and the Great Barrier Reef offering excellent diving experiences.

The goal of most destination marketing is to promote your destination as superior to alternatives, by highlighting the things that make it unique, or the things that make it a desirable place to travel to. Successful destination marketing can then be of huge benefit to the local tourism industry, including hotels, restaurants, bars, airlines and related suppliers.

데스티네이션 마케팅의 주체는 누구인가?

크게는 지역 홍보 기관 Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) 혹은 관광부 라고 할 수 있다. 

쉽게 말해, 지역에 따라 만약 특정 국가의 데스티네이션 마케팅은 국가의 관광청이 (예시 - 한국관광공사), 

도시라면 도시 관광청이 (예시 - 서울관광재단) 가 될 것이며 

특정 호텔이라면 관계 부서 (홍보팀 혹은 마케팅팀 등) 이 되겠다. 

Who is Responsible for Destination Marketing?

Responsibility for destination marketing falls on a dedicated destination marketing organisation (DMO), or tourist board. These organisations represent the community or destination being promoted and attempt to drive interest in the region amongst travellers by using a range of different marketing techniques.

In many ways, a DMO also serves as a link between the visitor and the destination, encouraging the visit in the first place, but also providing important visitor information. Hotels, local businesses, attractions and their owners are often members of a DMO, and funding tends to come from government sources and/or membership fees.

방문자 유도 데스티네이션 마케팅 전략 14 선 

지역을 잘 브랜딩하고 홍보하여, 궁극적으로 많은 방문객들을 유도하며 지역 경제에 이바지하는 데스티네이션 마케팅 기법은 어떤 것들이 있을까? 

1. 그 곳만의 유니크한 셀링 포인트 정립 Define the Unique Selling Points 

Arguably the single most important step for any organisation engaging in destination marketing is to take the time to clearly define what makes your destination unique. There are a huge range of ways a destination can stand out, such as unique activities to offer visitors, or unique natural features, like mountains, beaches or volcanoes.

It could be that your location has a fascinating history, or unique landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, or the Great Wall of China. Perhaps the culture of the location is its unique selling point and visitors would want to travel to experience local events, museums or sports clubs. 

2. 구체적인 타겟 설정 Define Target Audience & Market 

Another of the best destination marketing strategies involves identifying your target audiences. Think about who is likely to want to visit the destination and for what reason. Often, you will need to break this down into several different audiences, who each may have different reasons for wanting to travel to your location.

For instance, it could be that your destination appeals to youngsters on a gap year, and elderly couples enjoying their retirement. It might be that it appeals to people who enjoy outdoor sporting activities and people who want to relax on the beach. You also need to consider the different groups, such as tourists, business travellers and students.

Finally, think about whether certain markets are more likely to be interested than others. This could mean people in nearby countries, if you have excellent transport links, or people who speak the same language.

3. 통계 자료 활용 Utilise Data for Analytics 

Destination marketing organisations can potentially obtain and utilise vast amounts of data, for a number of different purposes. As an example, the organisation’s website can allow you to use tools like Google Analytics to find out about your visitors, who they are, where they came from and what their motivation was.

Offline, you can find out information about existing visitors, such as the average age, whether your destination appeals more to men or women, and what methods of transport they use. Once you have gathered sufficient data, you can analyse it to identify the best people to reach out to, the best ways to reach them and the best messages to push.

4. 브랜딩하라 - 로고, 광고, 시그니쳐 컬러, 이벤트 등  Brand Your Destination 

Branding is a technique used by businesses, in order to make them easily identifiable. The concept of branding can include logos, colour schemes and other design principles, as well as slogans or repeated use of certain terminology. Ultimately, branding is about being recognisable and standing out from others.

This principle can be fairly easily applied to a destination. Try to come up with a coherent colour scheme, use a tagline that says something about the destination itself, create hashtags for people to use on social media, and try to be as consistent as possible with your promotional messaging, so that people become familiar with it.

5. ★ 다양한 이익 관계자들과 함께 할 것  Involve All Stakeholders 

이 부분이 데스티네이션 마케팅이 여느 상업 마케팅과는 정말 다른, 구분되는 특징점이라 할 수 있다. 

특정 기업이 만든 제품을 마케팅하는 것이 아니라, 다양한 사람들과 업소, 기업 등 그야말로 사람들이 실제 거주하는 지역의 모든 개체들이 함께 이루고 있는 것이 그 지역이다. 특정 상품을 제조/판매하는 기업과 같이 제품의 디자인 혹은 컨셉을 분기별로 바꾸거나 생산량을 컨트롤하거나, 서비스의 질을 일원화시킬 수 없다. 사실상, 소비자들이 경험하게 될 상품, 즉 여행 혹은 지역의 경험에 대해 컨트롤할 수 있는 부분이 상대적으로 제한적이다. 이 점이 큰 매력이 될 수도, 가끔은 답답할 수도 있는 점이다. (물론, 상업적인 기업에서도 일개 회사원이 컨트롤할 수 있는 부분은 동일하게 제한적이기는 하다.) 그만큼 다양한 매력과 구성요소가 있고, 공익적인 측면도 배제할 수 없는 것. 상익과 공익. 상업과 문화. 그 어딘가에 위치하고 있다는 점이 데스티네이션 마케팅의 가장 큰 매력이다. 어떻게 푸냐에 따라 정말 무궁무진하다. 

A significant component of destination management involves looking out for the interests of various stakeholders, in order to establish trust and facilitate engagement. The stakeholders might include officials from your country, city, village or state, as well as hotels, attractions, restaurants, shopping venues, travel agents and tour operators.

Try to come up with destination marketing strategies that actually encourage these various parties to participate and support your destination. See if you can get stakeholders to agree to use some of your wider destination branding, and to run their own advertising or marketing campaigns, in order to maximise visitor interest. 

6.  소비자에게 다가갈 수 있는 웹사이트 구축 Create An Amazing Destination Website

Regardless of their reasons for travelling, the majority of travellers now use the internet to research their destination before booking. A destination website is the ideal place to showcase unique selling points, communicate directly with your target audience(s) and promote your destination through images, videos and virtual reality tours.

You can use the website to provide travellers with all of the information they need ahead of their trip, and to promote accommodation options, attractions, events, places to eat and drink, and more. It is important that your website is optimised for mobile users, while an on-site blog can help to encourage people to keep coming back.


7. 검색 최적화 Search Engine Optimisation 

When people use search engines like Google to look for things related to your destination, or features that your destination can offer them, you want to make sure your website is near the top of those search engine results pages. The best way to do this is to create a comprehensive search engine optimisation strategy.

This involves researching keywords, creating content that targets those keywords, and using a range of other techniques to improve your placement. You can also use SEO principles to promote videos and images too. An on-site blog can be beneficial here too, as it will give you plenty of fresh content to optimise with strategic keyword usage. 

8. 경험 마케팅 - VR36-, 방문자 인증 컨텐츠 등 Experience Marketing

Most travellers are motivated by experiences, so it makes sense to market a destination this way. Instead of showing attractions, use promotional material to show how people experience them. One way to do this is to stimulate the sharing of user generated content, so that people share their own moments on your website and on social media.

When you achieve this, you turn your own visitors into ambassadors for your destination. Word of mouth promotion can be extremely successful, because it is considered more trustworthy than hearing from an organisation with a clear motive. On top of this, VR 360 tours can be a great way to allow online users to enjoy their own experiences.

9. 영상/가상 현실 마케팅 Video and Virtual Reality Marketing 

Both video marketing and virtual reality marketing can go a long way towards boosting your destination marketing efforts. Video content can be easily shared across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. These videos can promote local places of interest, or can feature local people speaking about your destination.

Virtual reality marketing goes a step further and provides ways for your target audience to actually experience aspects of your destination from the comfort of their own home. This could be a virtual tour of a local hotel, a virtual travel experience of a nearby entertainment venue, or 360 degree tours of attractions or landmarks.

10. 소셜 미디어 전략 Social Media Strategies 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram serve as an ideal means to reach people and promote your destination. In truth, the destination marketing strategies on offer here are almost endless, from simple promotional posts, images and video content, through to competitions and even viral content or memes.

Additionally, most social media platforms offer paid marketing opportunities, such as advertisements or sponsored posts. These can boost the visibility of your social media marketing efforts and can be aimed at very specific demographics, meaning you can target people based on age, gender, location and even their online browsing habits.

11. 인플루언서 협업 Work With Influencers 

Many modern internet users have a natural distrust for direct advertising and other overt marketing methods. However, many of these people may be able to be reached indirectly, through influencers. In simple terms, influencers are people with an established following on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook or their own blog.

Their followers tend to be loyal and tend to trust the influencer’s opinions more than they would trust an organisation. By partnering with influencers, you can promote your destination across different platforms, even to niche audiences, who are then significantly more likely to react positively to the message that is being promoted.

12.  여행 웹사이트 홍보 - 트립 어드바이저, 스카이스캐너 등  Promote Your Destination On Travel Websites

In addition to having your own destination website, it is important to be able to reach people who do not have existing awareness of your destination. Travel websites provide a perfect solution and this can include international travel websites, such as TripAdvisor, as well as local websites, or websites aimed at specific demographics.

There are various ways you can use travel websites to promote your destination, including posting images, publishing stories, creating video content and even promoting virtual reality tours. You can also use travel websites to monitor reviews, respond to criticism and improve feedback over time.

13. 온라인 광고 - 웹사이트와 소셜 미디어와 레버리지  Online Advertising Strategies 

The information and data you have gathered about your visitors and your target audience can be used to inform your online advertising. Using this information, you can target search advertising to specific regions, pay for display advertising on the right platforms and promote content on third-party websites your target audience use.

In addition, re-marketing allows you to reach out to people who have previously engaged with your destination website, or your DMO’s social media channels. This gives you the ability to remind people of your destination, knowing that they have already previously shown interest, which can be great for encouraging them to commit to a visit.

14. 오프라인 프로모션 - TV 광고, TV PPL, 매거진 광고, 옥외 광고 등 Offline Promotional Strategies 

Once you know your target audience, what they are looking for and where they are coming from, you should also be able to identify when they are likely to travel. For instance, some destinations attract visitors in the summer months, while others attract people for winter sports. Some might hold greater appeal at Christmas, or another holiday.

This then makes it easier to devise a comprehensive offline promotional strategy.

Some of the offline methods you use might include television advertising, radio advertising and promotion within newspapers and magazines. With the latter two examples, you could pay for advertisements, write features on your destination, and target specific local publications in areas where your target audience reside.



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