

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Oct 20. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection3

“and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:4-5‬ ‭




I always adore the "faithfulness" character of God. in faithfulness, it included consistancy. and it comes together. if I imagine how faithfulness come through suffering and endurance, and how can this could be characther and produces hope, I really saw many examples in many lifes. all the financial problem, the difficulty makes people endure to wait upon God for His provision. and waiting upon God is not easy but it become character for the person who is trust in God and also trustworthy. and it produces hope for the future and present that He is provider now and forever.

God is the one give us hope. But all journey that we could been through from suffering to endurance, and becoming character is not that always joyful. But what we can believe is that He wants to give us hope through this. and through this, we can surely say that He is the one gives us hope and make us beautiful with resembling His character.

 And what I was meditating this season is He is building our character to reflect His character. And even Jesus needs to learn how to grow in His character as a perfect God, so we have this model that we could learn how to grow in God. During this week, I ponder how character produce hope. Character means " the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual."  and thesedays I felt my "content" character is not from me, from Him. when I was laying all down to God about my future and plans, He showed me how I am not in present with enjoying time that God provided the beautiful people for me around my world. and I got shocked how I am always thought I deserve more, I am asking God I need more of approval from others. I was always find myself in excellent to proove how i am worthy. and those made me focus on achievement than content what I have. after I accepted how I am selfish and prideful and lack of confidence, I start to learn how to enjoy moment with godly people. then I also slowly accept how to stay in present as by myself without tagging me perfectionist.

God has humor. When His bright shine come to my heart, it’s warm and make me laugh more. I decided to laugh more in this week intentionally. And I heard from someone that my enthusiasm is really good to see. I want to make people laugh more and brighter through influencing with enthusiasm. And when I choose joy, I had a such joyful moment that everyone has same heart and same page for the one kingdom.

But I am still recognize there are many area that I haven’t seen victory, like voluntary heart for praying first and initiative to talk or giving a feedback. But one by one, I choose to challenge my self to step out, and think differently about mission.

While I was changing website, i feel more satisfied that I could see more detail than last week. And I feel i am so present, while I work with devoted people and work for people to come. And i want to develop more excellence in this area. I was used to do everything roughly and I was always quick to finish it. As practicing faithful to little, i want to grow up the way how to do excellent little by little.

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