
You can make anything
by writing


by 세상의 모든 음악 Jan 11. 2021

세상의 선

My thoughts

가끔은요 옳은 일을 위해 을 넘어야 할 때가 있스니다. 아무것도 원하지 않았고 ᅮ언가를 바라지 않ᅡᆻ는데
참 많은 지실들이 비밀리에 왜곡되어 남 모ᅳ게 고통받고 있다.
ᅦ상은 변했지만 나는 변하지 않았죠  진실은 ᅢ가 알고 그 가치를 증명하는건
어떤 종류의 위험을 ᅡᆷ수하고 있는지가 모두 날 증거하고 있죠.  그게 내 성장력이 되어 가는 것 가아요 과거로 돌아가서 다시 시작할 수 없다ᄀ 해도  이제부터 새로운 결말을 맺을 수 ᆻ을 것 같아요. Sometimes you have to cross the line to do the right thing. I didn't want anything. So many truths have been distorted and suffered in secret. The world has changed, but I haven't changed. The truth is that I know and prove its value. It's proving me what kind of risk I'm taking. I think it's becoming my growth engine. Even if you can't go back to the past and start over again, I think we can start a new ending from now on.

작가의 이전글 인천의 꿈 ‘청소년을 위한 꿈의 축제를 만들다’ 
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