
매거진 Writing Lab

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by Yenn Shim Mar 10. 2024

Press Conference Transcript

After Shadows of Blue Nova was released.

* Blue Corporation’s press conference transcript. The press conference was arranged after the documentary series, Shadows of Blue Nova, was released.

Check out the wiki page for Blue Nova for more details.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the press, and our dedicated stakeholders,

My name is Scott Suzuki, Vice President at Blue Corporation. I am here on behalf of my company to address the concerns raised by a recent documentary series, Shadows of Blue Nova. We are extremely sad that we are here not because of the innovation and positive impact we strive to achieve but because of the allegations that question our ethical foundations and commitment to our consumers’ health. Let me be unequivocally clear: these accusations have been falsely made, and my company vehemently denies any wrongdoing.

Our mission has always been to bestow upon the public the means to achieve their dreams, enhance the quality of life through our product, majorly by Blue Nova. The documentary series cast doubts on our integrity and our product’s safety while regulating and censoring crucial information for the public.

After our challenging time with the previous product, Blue Potion, we took the lessons learned to heart. Since then, we’ve doubled our efforts to ensure that our products not only meet but exceed ethical and safety standards. Please note that every product of the Blue Corporation has been subjected to exhaustive testing, passing all required standards tests and receiving certifications from relevant regulatory bodies.

We have engaged with healthcare experts, not just as a formality, but to genuinely integrate their insights and concerns into our product development.

We are extremely sorry that our consumers have to worry about the safety of Blue Nova. We promise that we will respond to such allegations in a swift manner.

Thank you.

Mr. Suzuki, pressed for time, permitted just one question from the press. A reporter from RBS inquired, “Do you consume Blue Nova? Do you believe it’s genuinely safe? Would you offer it to your children?” In response, he stated, “Relying on anything to the point of addiction just isn’t good for your mental and physical well-being.” Following that comment, Mr. Suzuki hastily left the conference room.

매거진의 이전글 Blue Nova Launch Speech
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