
매거진 Writing Lab

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by Yenn Shim Mar 24. 2024

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Has anyone watched the first episode of the Shadows of Blue Nova?

I mean only the first episode is out and it mainly covered the recent history spanning the last few years. Still, I’m excited for episode 2. I’ve got a couple of theories brewing about where the rest of the season might take us.

Now, about that title — Shadows of Blue Nova — it’s a dead giveaway, isn’t it?

It seems quite obvious that the show is gearing up to explore the darker aspects of our modern mainstay, Blue Nova. Drawing from some early theories that have circulated since it’s launch, here’s what I suspect the show might delve into:  

Emperor Saito and Mr. Sakamoto’s Relationship: Remember those rumors? Despite their insistence on being just close friends, the tabloids never ceased speculating about something more between them. I’ve got a feeling there’s a deeper story there.

Rise and Fall of Cult Groups: There were whispers of cults popping up in the early days of Blue Nova, but they were quickly snuffed out by the Blue Corporation. Could there be more to these groups than meets the eye?

Black Market Shenanigans: Before Emperor Saito implemented price amendments, each bottle cost 500 bucks. Because of that, knockoff Blue Nova products flooded the market, but they just relied on caffeine and sugar. When a couple of the knockoff brands triggered severe allergic reactions, the company swiftly maneuvered to legalize their status as the sole provider of the product. But what if they were the ones sourcing those problematic brands themselves to eliminate competition and establish their monopoly?

Altered Work Hours: The introduction of Blue Nova drastically shifted work hours across GEA colonies. But was the 24-hour boost and 12-hour crash intentional, or just a coincidence?

Legal Changes: The rise of Blue Nova has brought about some major legal changes. Firstly, now the GEA Emperor can jump into political matters directly, which is a big shift from how things used to be. Secondly, work hours have been rearranged to revolve around this potion, making it basically essential. And lastly, only the Blue Corporation has the green light to whip up this modern elixir, basically giving them a monopoly over the market. These new laws really highlight how much Blue Nova has shaken things up, sparking some interesting discussions about where it’s all headed.

I mean, sure, the events that led to these laws seem legit, and most folks are on board with the changes. But if you step back and just look at the end results, things start to seem pretty weird, don’t they? It’s like, yeah, we get why they did it, but the way it’s all playing out raises some eyebrows. Got any thoughts on that?



Well, I gotta say, as someone who’s just kinda gone along with Blue Nova without really questioning it, the first episode was pretty enlightening for me. It gave me a solid grasp of the whole backstory behind Blue Nova and how it became such a staple in our lives. But what you’re suggesting about those theories is actually pretty intriguing. I’m really looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds in the next episode!


This post might be more suitable for s/conspiracy.


I’ve heard a rumor floating around about there being differences in ingredients between the pricier Blue Nova and the current version. Makes you wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes, doesn’t it?


This wouldn’t surprise me.


I’m not entirely sure, but maybe the show is starting to highlight the folks who are refusing to jump on the Blue Nova bandwagon and are sticking with regular work hours instead. This show might highlight the folks who are refusing to jump on the Blue Nova bandwagon and are sticking with regular work hours instead.


Well, that could be an interesting angle, as well.


Wow, yeah. Why would anyone go against the grain like that? It’s like swimming upstream when everyone else is going with the flow. There’s got to be a story there, right?


It’s like, when something new comes along, not everyone’s gonna jump on board right away. Some folks need time to warm up to the idea, while others might take even longer. Change can be a slow process, you know? So maybe those who are resisting Blue Nova just need a bit more time to come around to it, if they ever do.

매거진의 이전글 SOB — Ep. 1 (Text Version) 
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