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You can make anything
by writing


by 이소영 Jan 06. 2022

The Symptoms #1

He showed an abnormal sign a few months ago.

Mom said that one day, he acted like a sleepwalker at dawn and the next morning he forgot what he did yesterday. I heard about that the last time I went to Seoul.

And December 15th, mom called me.

"Your dad is abnormal, seriously", mom said. I asked how abnormal he is. Then she sent me a picture. It was the memo she wrote.

It said what happened to my dad in the day.

- He washed and dried his underwear, even he has never washed his socks before.

- When mom was about to go to work, weirdly, he asked which way did she come.

- He laid out his antidiabetic drugs in his room.

- He asked mom where she moved the TV (of course the TV was there).

- He mad a request to mom for hanging a chin-up bar.

- He gave a steamed bun to Podong(the puppy), so mom asked him why did he give it to Podong, then he said "I didn't" seeing Podong eating the bun.

- He opened the fridge door and freezer door again and again.

- He came in and out mom's dress room without any reason.

- And most of all, he can't use his right hand. He completely lost the strength of his right hand.

Mom sent one more picture. There was spilled soup on the floor in the kitchen.

We assumed he has got dementia. But we wanted to know exactly what kind of disease it is.

I carefully asked what kind of disease do you think he has to Dr.HB, telling him the symptoms. It is not only hard to know the exact cause, but also difficult to judge it as dementia, he said. This is because dementia gradually reveals symptoms. However, as the symptom seems to be serious, he recommended me to take him to get a brain nerve test as soon as possible.

Mom took dad to the emergency room the next day. After a few hours of waiting, he was able to have a check-up.

- My English tutor Surge reviewed and corrected this writing.

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