
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Jun 11. 2024

카르멘 라인

Jeff Bezos' blue origin rocket

우주가 시작되는 경계지점 카르멘 라인 (Karmen line)!

'우주로 여행하기'  나의 버킷 리스트로도 손색없다.

미국이나 서방세계에서 인종차별이 없다고 느끼는 이유는? 인종차별적 언어나 행동은 위법이므로 겉과 속이 다르건 아닌가? 일본인의 '혼네'라는 개념에서 기시감이 느껴지는 것은 왜일까?

93세 드와이트 옹(翁)의 블루 오리진 승선을 축하한다.

First Black man trained as astronaut goes to space 63 years later

0:03 This 2100 mile per hour ride may look like a meteoric rise 유성처럼 급격한 상승 to

space (Welcome to space, astronauts!) as six passengers aboard Jeff

Bezos' blue origin rocket launched 347,000 ft above the Texas desert

including 90-year-old Ed Dwight. This was a life changing

experience. Everybody needs to do this.

0:26 But for the former Air Force test pilot 전직 공군 시험조종사에게 this is a mission more

than 60 years in the making. Captain Edward Dwight of the Air

Force selected to be an astronaut, the first of his race 그가 속한 인종에서는 처음으로 to be so


0:39 In 1961 President John F Kennedy picked Dwight to be the first

black astronaut. His candidacy 등장 이슈는 captured the attention of the nation

but in training Dwight faced discrimination. And his journey with

NASA never took off 이뤄지지 않았다.  

0:52 And he said, number 1, I wasn't tall enough, I was Catholic, I

wasn't black enough 완전 흑인도 아니었고. I was not the model of the Negro race.

It would take 20 more years for Guion Bluford to become NASA's first

black astronaut to go to space.

1:06 As Dwight returned to civilian life creating sculptures of black

history makers, he spoke to NBC news 인터뷰했다 in 2020. Are you bitter  about 걸쩍지근하냐

the fact that you didn't become the first black guy in space? Oh, God

no. Not at all? No.

1:06 But on Sunday 63 years after he was first poised to break

boundaries 처음으로 금기를 깨트릴 준비가 되었고, Dwight crossed the Karmen line 우주가 시작되는 경계를 넘어 and finally made it beyond

Earth's atmosphere at 90 years and 8 months old. He's now the

oldest person to do it, beating the record previously held by Captain

Kirk himself actor William Shatner. (Captain Kirk is a fictional

character in the movie Star Trek)

1:43 Back on Earth 지구로 돌아온 Dwight's delight was radiant... 반짝 빛나는 얼굴 The 9 minute and 53 second trip to space worth the six decades long wait. I thought I

really didn't need this in my life 내 인생에 이런 건 정말 필요 없었다고. But, now, I need it in my life.

작가의 이전글 '24 Miss America의 헌화
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