
You can make anything
by writing


영어회화_대기업과 스타트업 간 투자와 상생

Rocky's think box_(136)

I wanna tell you about why big firms are investing in startups and why they want to co-exist with them. The world is being digitalized quickly. However, most companies in Korea have yet to be digitalized. As the 4th Industrial  Revoulution is under way, digital transformation is becoming more important. To create the digital ecosystem, companies should understand the 'startups ecosystem'. Startups are building up AI, Big Data, robots, blockchain, biohealth care, data solution, game contents, to name a few. These are fundamentals for the startup ecosystem. Look at the world! During the pandemic, IT and energy companies made a lot of money and grew rapidly. They're key players in creating the digital ecosystem. Also, they proved that they could grow even in a time of crisis. Many companies have to focus on digital literacy and transformation. Small and medium-sized firms , which lack funds, are slow to carry out the digital transformation which is their calling of the times. Failure to do so could well lead them to financial crises.

@ This Article is only a subjective view

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