
You can make anything
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영어회화 _인간을 따라 하는 ChatGPT

Rocky's think box (149)

Reportedly, it was released last November 30th. One month after it was released, 100 million people began to sign up the AI program.I think the program has a formidable destructive power. These days, I am using the program. Unlike the existing things, it explains well what I am curious about. Especially, chatGPT is closely related to  HR&Education. So companies have to use it well.  The AI program has a lot of information. And its suggestions can be new standards! I believe that technologies will change the world and our life drastically. HR and self-development will make a big change in our lifestyle. We must adapt ourselves to the digital era as well as prepare for a new world. In particular, digital formula and startup ecosystem are directly related to each other. Among startups, AI, Big Data, fintech, metaverse, to name a few are being developed. Unfortunately, so many people around the world don't know about startup ecosystem. So we can take advantage of this. I know that, if you don't get ready for all this, you'll have difficulty in living your life! In conclusion, the world is changing rapidly. Plus, AI is chasing humans fiercely. The chatGPT is simply the beginning!

@ This article is only a subjective.

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