
You can make anything
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by 류희 May 07. 2022

Why abortions should be legal

낙태에 대해서 계속 이야기해야하는 이유

Women, we always carry some amount of guilt with us.

At 14, school tell girls to cover their shoulders because “it can provoke men.” So we do as follows, but we don’t feel any safer. Because before anything even began, the blame is already on us. At 14, we are guilty of our bodies.

When raped, society asks “well, what were you wearing?” So before going out, we ask ourselves, “Is this dress too showing? do I look like a slut? will people think I’m a slut?” We are guilty of our dress.

Forgot to put on a creepy barbie doll smile once in a while? #restbitchface is on trend on twitter and all major media are talking about it. We are guilty of not entertaining.

Want to be a stay-at-home wife? Boo, this isn’t the 80s. You’re deemed a lazy, passionless, dispensable part of society. We are guilty of choosing family over career.

Want to work? Job interviews ask how you will prioritize work over family. A question that has never been imposed on men in the entire history of mankind. We are guilty of choosing career over family.

Working while pregnant? All of a sudden everyone’s a baby expert and you’re being selfish. So you take a leave. Bold move. Now you’ve made the rest of the working women look bad.

When giving birth, there is a certain taboo on women who give birth by C-section because it isn’t the “natural” way. After birth, you must breastfeed unless you’re not a good mother. But breastfeeding in public is a different matter. Everyone has their own opinions about that.

See the pattern? We are guilty of whatever we choose. And now, society wants women to feel guilty for choosing her life over a fetus that is not welcomed to be part of anyone’s life.

Abortion is not a political matter. Illegal abortion does not mean less people are going to have abortions. It only creates unsafe, dangerous, undocumented abortions. You don’t care about babies. You only care about suppressing women’s rights and controlling our bodies.


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