
You can make anything
by writing


by Gyubiny May 07. 2021

독일남자의 연애편지

To my Gyubinyyy

What is a star?

For most people it’s a meaningless, glowing spot in the night sky.

For others it’s a planet they desire to visit.

For me its something different:

It’s the girl that means the most to me.

It’s the girl I desire to please to infinity, emotionally and physically.

She is my north star that lights up my dark

She is my glowing sunshine on rainy days

She is my personal artist that paints the sky blue

I am really glad you made the decision to study in China again, you fly from Korea into my arms and even managed to touch my heart in a way no one else did before. I am proud to call you my girlfriend.

Getting to know each other like we did is a huge privilege that only a few people in our age experience. So I am not guessing..., I know we should be really thankful for every moment we shared together.

What made me even happier than having you by my side is the fact that I really felt you getting and towards the end being really confident around me. It shows me that not only you made me happy, it shows that I made you happy as well and if I am really honest this is the only thing I care about, making you happy.

You know that the people you like and love the most are also the people that can hurt you the most? So opening up to someone involves getting anxious all the time, but I am here to tell you I haven’t got the intention to hurt you.

Like you said you are curious about my life in Germany, I am interested in your life in Korea and even more your thoughts. For me it’s not only physical attraction, it’s also mental attraction. So please never hesitate to send me something. I will love everything. For safety I say it again in capital letters.


I trust you and I strongly believe in us.

I love you.

Late happy western new year gyubinnyy


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