
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 22. 2024


2024. 3. 22.

Montmorency by Solastalgie

Even though we have both eyes, we couldn't see the beauty of this world. Sometimes I remembered the closest beauty in front of me. Architecture. Devices. Humans. Even ideology. There's smooth clouds and a shiny sun. Whenever we raise our heads, we can see old star lights, and their electron waves simulate our nervous system. Funny. It's just electronic stimulus for everything around us. It looks like a matrix, of course. Maybe it's more logical to explain that this reality is just fake and you should listen to the message on your life end. "Thank you for playing this game.". 

Not at all. Even if it is fake, we still believe in fake realities. Old conventions. Traditions. Religions. Identities. Whatever we define. Those concepts are based on our concept foundation. If we lose our memory, can we describe ourselves like before? Has it any meaning? I'm not sure. Most definitions lied on semantic ideologies, even if we denied that truth.

Eyes can't see the truth. Eyes can't detect the truth. Eyes just collect visible light as receptors. Electronic signals are converted into brains, and those signals generate our world. Rendering this world, "Earth #10592," we couldn't imagine whether it was the only world or not. Neither do we ever accept.

Enjoy a sensitive electric signal throughout your entire life. Short life. Most of us can only play three-time life games. We called it "Generation." 0 to 29 years old. 30 to 59. 60 to 89. Then most people have to disappear for the next generation. Step aside for children. Step aside for middle age. Step aside for the elders. Your time is gone. Our clock is on the edge. Cusp of times.

For the player, there's a notification from the system manager.

"Hello there. All conditions occur based on randomized sequences. Your luck, wealth, health, IQ, properties, nations, hair, face, height, and even foot size. Enjoy. It's just a three-generation game. If you want to quit, press the exit button, but there's no such thing as your familiar stimulus. I can't tell you what the next world is."

What a sad coincidence. It's a life of consolation. Until the end, we will never get a signal from the system manager using our genetic receptors. So it's like riding a roller coaster. Like it or not, on earth, every human is riding a fucking roller coaster. Until the end, we couldn't stop this coaster. So... Take a deep breath. Then calm down; just see around you. Don't try to close stuff. You never see that. See further and further. Then you would notice there were huge mountains, beautiful stars, shining brightness, and other passages. Some of them are scared. Paled. Don't be pale. It's a normal life. It's a very, very normal roller coaster.

Enjoy the speed of time. Enjoy others eyes. If you're the only one who's not scared, others will be surprised because you are the only one who's not surprised. It's only a three-generation game. Then it ends. Forever.

매거진의 이전글 Journey
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