
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 23. 2024


2024. 3. 23.

I've been trying to close my company for a while. It's been almost 12 months. It was quite a long journey. Being a great entrepreneur is not easy. Understanding business. Convincing many people. Advertising products. Making an emergency fund. And also self-control. Reraltionship. Branding. Tax. Legal issues. To discuss with lawyers and accountants. Sometimes employees have some problems. Human relationships always have problems, of course.

I did not think it would be simple at first. However, I see now. It's a fucking hard way to deal with those troubles. In the absence of cunning, intelligence, and attractive partners, a company's capital will undoubtedly run out quickly.

Because of this, the majority of entrepreneurs wish to be fired from their jobs and to quit all jobs altogether. The majority of them have been worn out for a very long time; their souls are destroyed. Thus, it needs to be rebuilt. However, being an entrepreneur is not an easy life. There's always a burden—employees, investors, partners, related companies, governments, families, even friends and wives or husbands. 

But we are challengers to make a cash cow system on the belief of capitalism. It seems like a beautiful tree. Trees bear fruit. More capital. More money. More brand power. That makes people crazy. The dopamine that came from it generates people working 24/7. Light on 365 days without weekends and holidays. Belief in success requires the entire energy of passed-down CEOs. Those challenges open up a lot of markets. And only a select group of business warriors will emerge victorious from the battle of the marketplaces to build the empire.

We adore that triumphant tale. Above all, though, we adore the story because it shows how the protagonist overcame adversity and hardship to ultimately vanquish all of his foes and achieve success. Both I and we adore it. Thus, I had anticipated suffering of some kind. After that, I should close my company to take on the new challenge.

I have been tidying up the mess in my circulation and the previous business before I shut the door. Let me be clear about that. Complete cleanliness. It is now time to end. In honor of the fresh start, a brand-new phase of existence.

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