
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 23. 2024


2024. 3. 23.

I've been trying to close my company for a while. It's been almost 12 months. It was quite a long journey. Being a great enterpreneur is not easy. Understanding business. Convincing many people. Advertising products. Making an emergency fund. And also self-control. Reraltionship. Branding. Tax. Legal issues. To discuss with lawyers and accountants. Sometimes employees have some problems. Of course, there's human relationship issue always. 

At first, I didn't expect it would be easy. But now I see. It's a fucking hard way to deal with those troubles. Without smarts, intelligence, and attractive partners, it's definitely true that a company's capital will run out ASAP. 

As a result, most entrepreneurs want to quit all kinds of work, and they want to be fired without work. Most of them had been exhausted for a long time; their souls are ruined. So it must be reconstructed. But living as an entrepreneur is not that simple. There's always a always a burden.. employees, investors, partners, related companies, governments, families, even friends and wives or husbands. 

But we are challengers to make a cash cow system on the belief of capitalism. It seems like a beautiful tree. Trees bear fruit. More capital. More money. More brand power. That makes people crazy. The dopamine that came from it generates people working 24/7. Light on 365 days without weekends and holidays. Belief in success requires the entire energy of passed-down CEOs. Those challenges open up a lot of markets. And only a few entrepreneurs who survived the war of business will conquer the markets and then construct the empire. 

We love that story of success. But we love the story above all because the main character had to face up to conflict and obstacles, then finally defeat all the enemies and get success. We love it, and I love it. So I had expected some sort of hardship and pain. Then I should close my business for the new challenge. 

Before closing the door, I've been cleaning up mess around stuff on my circulations and also on the former business. I want to make that clear. Entire cleaness. So it's time to close. For the new beginning. A new chapter in the life.

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