
You can make anything
by writing


by Peter Jeong Apr 04. 2017

[영어기사] 밥 딜런은 노벨상 자격이 없다

Why Bob Dylan Shouldn’t Have Gotten a...

기사 이미지:


1. The Nobel committee chose to award the Nobel prize to a musician, not to a writer. 

2. Bob Dylan is great and a great musician. He deserves a lifetime achievement award in the music industry, but not in Literature.

3. The committee may need to bring new cultural currency, which is understandable, but there were other ways to do so. Selecting a writer from the developing world could be one of their briliant options.

4. We will not see a writer get a prize in music, but why awarding a literature prize to a musician makes sense.

5. As reading declines around the world, literary prizes is getting more important. Bob Dylan doesnot neea the prize in literature, but Literature needs a Nobel Prize.


prose: composition / essay / fiction

He has written a book of prose poetry and an autobiography.

woefully: sorely / painfully / sadly

underrepresent: to give inadequate representation to

laureate: a person who has been honored for achieving distinction in a particular field. 

They could have selected a writer from the developing world, which remains woefully underrepresented among Noble laureates.


No one would expect the hightest honors in music to go to a writer.

Awarding the Nobel to a novelist or a peot is a way of affirming that fiction and poetry still matter.

They could have picked a writer who has built an audience primarily online.

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