
You can make anything
by writing


by Peter Jeong Apr 05. 2017

[영어기사] 밥 딜런은 노벨상 자격이 있다

Bob Dylan deserves the Nobel

기사 이미지:


1. Although many people demur that a Nobel Prize in Literature lands in a musician, he deserves the prize. 

2. The first poets were lyric poets, and he has written in the tradition of lyric poetry with both interprets and transforms the realities we confront.

3. He doesn't give readings, publish slim volumes of poetry, but he has filled our heads as a poet with a langauge adequate to our experience as human beings.


to demur: disagree / hesitate / challenge / complain / remonstrate

I don't doubt that many will demur.

be antic: fantastic / grotesque / funny

And he did so in his usual antic style.

Ferocity: fierceness / barbarity / brutality

One cant's even begin to explain the ferocity and the magic of "Desolation Row".


It brought up echos of coutless deaths in the name of freedom.

He has filled our heads with language that both interprets and transforms the realities we confront.

One recalls the long ballads about relationships gone sour.

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