
You can make anything
by writing


by classically Jul 18. 2024

둘째 날, 챕터 1을 읽고 뒷 이야기를 상상해 보기.

북클럽 첫날은 챕터 1을 읽는 것으로 가볍게 시작을 했어요. 둘째 날도 가볍게! 그 후의 이야기를 자유롭게 상상해서 써보기를 했습니다.

저와 아이들이 집에서 하는 독서클럽은 첫째도 재미, 둘째도 재미, 셋째도 재미예요. 왜냐하면, 재미없으면 이거 못 하거든요.

돈 받고 책임감으로 하는 수업도 아니고, 돈 내고 의무감에 다니는 학원도 아니라서  

부담 없는 선에서

최대한 재미있게

매일매일 끈질기게 이어가는 것이 목표입니다.


Right at the rise of dawn, the animals met in front of Mr. and Mrs. Jones' house.

 "Okay, everyone! You know what to do! We go inside, rip the humans to shreds!
Just let out your inner wildness!!!!" Everyone cheered, especially Boxer, who wanted to show off his strength. Even Benjamin, who never laughed, seemed to be enjoying himself. “On the count of three, we burst in! One! Two-" Before the pig counted to three the exited animals burst into the room and onto Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s bed.

I'll skip this part as it might get a bit too inappropriate for our young readers. When the animals finished their business the Old Major shouted, "Now Now, the justice has been done. You may all calm down now!" But his voice was merely lost in the chaos. The animals, who were so excited, didn’t even realize that the humans were dead. They ran around screaming and neighing and meowing and barking and oinking until Mollie the horse accidently stepped on Clover’s hooves.

Clover went crazy and ran around trampling on everything on her way. Unfortunately, one of those things was Old Major. He was squashed by her sturdy legs before he even realized what was going on. Now that Old Major was dead the others went even more crazier. The little pigs, so angered at Clover killing Old Major, all charged in at Clover. But pigs, being pigs, were foolish and thought Benjamin was Clover. So they ripped and shredded the poor old goat until -I'll skip this part again as it might contain some inappropriate scenes. Boxer, who was still kicking the humans’ dead bodies, was horrified to see that his buddy Benjamin had died. So he charged toward a window, where the three dogs Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher happened to be. The dogs didn’t have time to think as they were hurled outside the house window. Boxer, who had hit his head too hard on the window, died of blood loss. Mollie, who realized that her fellow horses were all gone killed herself by holding her breath. The only animal left was the cat, who was watching the bloody scene curiously before falling asleep because she was very sleepy.


“Things that are walking with 2 legs are only our true enemies!!” The old major was announced in a big deep voice. Just then from a little hole, the little mouse came out squeaking. He was round and gray. Everyone stared at him for a minute, saying nothing. “Ooooh, a mouse who wants to be killed,” the said cat, breaking the silence. “Umm… No!” squeaked the mouse. “Oh yes” smiled the cat. “NO NO NO!” shouted mouse. “YES YES YES” yelled the cat. “NO!” “YES” “NO!” YES!” ….. “EVERYONE SILENCE!!!” Old Major couldn’t handle it anymore. And now, there was a very long silence.

“Why did you come here mouse??” Asked the old major finally. “Um, so, my house is just right there,”pointing to the hole, “so, I heard everything you guys have said… um, I think I can help you get out of this farm, if you want to..”
“REALLY!?!?” Everyone looked at him.
Thank you!!”
Like always, it got too loud and  Mr. Jones woke up, got a gun, let fly a charge of number 6, and shot in the darkness. BANG‼️ The birds flew away, the cat hid in the hay, and the major shut off the lights. “Maybe tomorrow” he whispered.
The next day was a busy day like usual. But the old major was in a big thinking. Finally, it was night time and the animals waited for Mr. Jones to sleep. Slowly, and quietly, animals began to go to the meeting room. 
“Mouse, how should we escape the farm?” Everyone was very excited to hear. “So we need to dig a hole.” Squeaked mouse “Boxer and Clover, since you are the strongest, you should be the one who digs.”  They didn’t want to but they did it anyway.  “You guys start digging!!
After a few months of working and digging, Boxer and Clover got used to it and started to dig faster. They dug and dug and dug and dug and finally, they arrived at the place where little Mouse said!!
It was a weird-looking cave and scary, but it was much better than the farm. They were happily dancing and singing and playing and shouting. Even Benjamin, who never laughed, seemed to be happy. But the happiness was just for a second. A gigantic dragon with huge teeth came out behind them. It did a big roar and ate them all, and they died. The End

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