
You can make anything
by writing


by Jamie Sep 15. 2023

Day 2

I have a goal to earn ph.d degree, yeas of course, I should apply for the university admission first. But Ive started to think.... that is this what I really want?

I have to confess that enrolling as a ph.d course student is just a way to get into any foreign country with proper visa - which means, that I finished my master's degree and the next step 'would' be the ph.d, since the ground that I'm in is, as I thought, will be quite hard to get a job without any fundamental ground in that country, I should pave the way of living by attending the shcool of the society.

But now I am curious that is this the way that my soul wants? Do I want to do this? All I want to do is just living abroad and learning/using Enlgish at work and everyday life. Is this the best way to get my goal?

Maybe this is the reason why I cannot fully dedicate on studying. But I have to say that studying IELTs IS beneficial so, I should stay tuned and get focused... I guess...

작가의 이전글 Day 1
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