
You can make anything
by writing


by 박시룡 Sep 11. 2023


< The people of Pilgrim's Progress > 

The book Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyon is a Christian classic. A classic is a book that speaks to all people in all times, but can be re-read depending on the reader's lens and perspective. This book is a confession of faith by biologist Professor Shi-Ryong Park. The biologist turned painter has written 'The People of the Pilgrimage', in which he confesses that in reading and painting the book he has shaken off the shadow of death and gained the certainty of salvation. The Stork, Professor Park's beloved stork, is the same old story, but the confession is still new. I recommend this book in the hope that we will walk this pilgrimage together with the stork, meet the stork that Professor Park loved, encounter the Lord anew, and meet in the city of Zion that we see in the distance.

Pastor Dong-won Lee(Korea Jiguchon Church), a pilgrim companion at Pilgrims' House in Gapyeong, Korea

이전 09화 Reference books
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