
You can make anything
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by Grace Kim Jul 14. 2022

moody vs irritable

영어기사로 영어 배우기 9

우리말에는 기분을 표현하는 단어들에 미묘한 차이가 있다. 그 미묘한 차이를 영어로 알아보자. 

온라인 매거진 ADDTUDE 글 중 일부 발췌

By Leslie Josel

 “My Child’s in a Bad Mood Every Morning!”

- be in a bad mood : 언짢은, 기분이 나쁜 

Q: “My daughter is very moody. It seems like she wakes up, you say something to her, and she yells at you. I am calm and just ignore this behavior right now, but I don’t know what approach I should take to manage this so that, by the time she is a teenager, her behavior doesn’t spiral out of control.” 

- moody : 뚜렷한 이유 없이 기분이 안 좋은// 기분 변화가 심한

cf. grumpy : 불평불만이 많은

- spiral(grow) out of control : 통제할 수 없게 되다. 

A: Many children with ADHD are extremely irritable right after they wake up. They might be rude, cranky, or just plain angry. Pair that with their inability to get moving in the morning and you’ve got a super-stressful start to the day.

- children with ADHD : 주의력 결핍 과잉행동 장애가 있는 어린이들

- irritable, cranky  : 쉽게 짜증을 내는 /cf. touchy : 민감하게 반응하는 , 예민한

작가의 이전글 OTC vs Prescription drug
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