
You can make anything
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by 최시헌 Aug 31. 2024

2학기 과제 : Interstellar review

크리스토퍼 놀란의 인터스텔라를 영어로 리뷰해보다

When air of the planet is full of dust and crops cannot grow, humanity sends astronauts to space for the salvation of themselves, at least, descendants of themselves. What a simple and classic story. But always, when we watch a film or a novel, we should see beneath the surface.

The movie's plot is constituted with everything that is related to it's thesis and conclusion. And that can be summarized by the word “stay". But along the discourse, we should analyze some of metaphors of this movie.

First, the name, Murphy. Cooper’s daughter is named after Murphy’s law. In the Cambridge dictionary, it is said to be the principle that if it is possible to go wrong, it will go wrong. But Cooper tells his daughter about her name that Murphy's law doesn't mean something bad will happen. What it means is whatever can happen will happen. This turns out to show that even when the destiny of man seems going wrong, just like cooper at the event horizon did, what was once regarded as omen is just another version of the fate. It is nothing wrong. It’s just the thing that we cannot understand.

Second, the name of the spaceship, Endurance. At the cold and dangerous universe, the travelers need to don't get afraid to losing their time on the Earth. The life of each of themselves is the cost of saving mankind. They even don’t know whether they will going to succeed or just die in space. But just like doctor Brand said, we should “rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Third, the clock. The clock that cooper gave her daughter was a signal bridge between each other. At first, murphy saw the gravitational anomaly as a doing of ghost. But it was the morphs sign which was the message from cooper at the multi dimension. Time files by. And we cannot catch it. But the intuition of love came through all that far distance. Love is infinite rather than time and space.

Murphy’s Law, Endurance, and the clock all this thesis from the movie leads to the word “stay”. ‘Stay’ is originally the message cooper sent her daughter to don’t let himself go in the past. But after he realizes that he cannot change the “past", he codes the message at the clock for Murphy at the future. And he believes she will figure out what it says.

At first, he thought that this mission went wrong and he shouldn't had leaved. But the fact that he can't change the past means that at least he should try to believe at the future and Murphy. So he must not give up for the humanity. And hence the clock implies that even though the time had gone too far, love is incessant so that it kept humanity's fate in the orbit. So the message “stay” doesn't mean that you should remain in your dusty safe zone, rather, it says you should stay in hope and move towards the future. Sometimes, just like Murphy’s Law, God gives you a question. And you are made to solve it by yourself. Still the answer will always be same and it should.

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