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by 지식노동자 Dec 29. 2022

Game Theory and Oligopoly

게임 이론과 과점

Crash course economics 26강 주제는 Game Theory and Oligopoly입니다.

Q. 어떤 유형의 시장 구조가 있을까요?

Perfect competition

Monopolistic competition,



Q. 완전자유경쟁과 독점의 차이에 대해 설명해보세요?

Low barriers to entry in perfect competition mean firms have no control over prices.

High barriers to entry in monopoly mean firms have a lot of control over prices.

Q. 독점 경쟁에서 경쟁 회사는 동일한 제품을 팔까요?

In monopolistic competition, products are similar but not identical, such as burgers from two different fast-food chains.

Q. 과점시장의 특징을 설명해보세요?

Oligopolies consist of markets that feature high barriers to entry and are controlled by a few large companies.

Q. 과점시장의 기업은 주로 어떻게 경쟁하나요?

Oligopolies primarily engage in non-price competition, focusing on things that make their product stand out from the competition.

This could include style, location, services included, and quality.

Q. Non-price competition의 예는 어떤 것이 있을까요?


Q. 독점 시장과 완전경쟁시장에 있는 기업은 광고홍보 활동을 많이 할까요?

Monopolies don’t need to advertise since they don’t have any/much competition, and there’s little point advertising products in perfect competition since the products are identical.

Q. 게임 이론은 무엇인가요?

Game theory is in use when you make decisions by keeping in mind the possible / potential actions of other players in the game.

Q. 죄수의 딜레마와 같은 게임 이론은 무엇을 의미하나요?

People and companies have a hard time following the best possible course if they can’t communicate or cooperate with one another.

Q. 담합(Cartel)은 언제 형성되나요?

When firms talk to each other and agree to charge the same high price instead of competing with one another.

Q. 담합 행동은 합법일까요?

Collusion violates U.S. anti-trust laws; firms are supposed to compete with one another.

Q. Price leadership에 대해 설명해보세요?

Price leadership is when one firm changes its pries and firms in competition with it have to decide if they’re also going to change their prices to follow.

Q. OPEC은 무엇이고 시장에 어떤 영향을 주나요?

OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

It manipulates the supply of oil to control prices.

Q. 경제학자들은 어떤 차트를 사용하여 과점 행동을 설명할까요?

A payoff matrix

Q. 과점 시장에서 기업들이 담합하기 힘든 이유는 무엇일까요?

They usually have an incentive to cheat on whatever agreement they have reached with one another.

Q. 지배적인 전략은 무엇을 의미할까요?

A dominant strategy is one that will give a firm the best available outcome no matter what its competitors do.

Q. 어떤 경쟁이 좋은 경쟁일까요?

Healthy competition encourages firms to innovate, bringing new products to market.


이전 08화 Monopolies
brunch book

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