
You can make anything
by writing


by Angela Jul 03. 2023



I’ve never genuinely understood myself.

Why I act the way I do, why I feel what I feel, and why I think what I think.

Essentially, why I exist here the way I am.

As years passed by, I thought the ego would become complete and thus the identity crisis would come to a settlement and finally bring the emotional peace.

But my twenties are still confusing and incomplete.

To relieve this anxiety and nervousness in the chaos, I constantly consume myself through creative works and expression.

I’ve been working on self portrait for some time; capturing what I like, the people I love, or putting myself in a staged stiuation… However, the attempts weren’t satisfactory, the photos didn’t fully convey myself.

Thus the work broke the mold, which was myself, and started to look into strangers.

And found a part of me in them. I picked up my camera.

Through this project and by sharing it, the aim was to establish my identity. But again, I came to admit the confusion and chaos rather than finding peacefulness.

We are all confused. Perhaps until the last moment you close your eyes. Even in a life of growth and development, wouldn't it be just that the chaos changes with the new and changed situations?

Isn’t it just that we live a life with our family, friends and lovers, giving and receiving comfort?

Even though I am an imperfect being, I want to be a peaceful resting place or a temporary trip for someone. I want to tell you that it is okay to be weak and that it shines in itself, and that part of you is the most precious, beautiful and warm side of you.

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