
You can make anything
by writing


by 재호 Dec 19. 2022

[Essay 12] Jobs

Life is a series of worry. We all have a problem in a different size and way. As I said before, all my personal goals that I eagerly want to experience, such as wines, fashion, cars, trips, before I die were completed already. So, what now? Here's what I am trying to answer at this point. 

When it comes to my career, I had so many different jobs, such as store manger, camera assistant, barista, shoe sales associate, office employee, restaurant server, food distributor and so on. These are all I have done to figure out what I should work for for my entire life, since 2014. Experiencing the various jobs enabled me to recognize that I was not a business person. It means that I want something that can help someone out either mentally or educationally, but not materialistically. This recognition leads me to work under education industry and that's why I have been teaching English in the last 2 months.

What I learned from teaching was that I had power to control work environment. For example, if I meet an ignorant or unwilling student, I can cancel the schedule or transfer the student to the other teacher. It's under my control which makes it much less stressful than other jobs that I've went through before. It's worry-free of being irritated by someone like a supervisor or boss.

Then, is it an ideal job for me? I can't answer yet, because I am still new and I think it would probably take a year or so to respond firmly. I'm also having a side project at Kmong, which is to help someone who needs translation from English to Korea or vice versa. I got only 3 requests so far and earend some allowance for myself. But not too bad, since the amount was about $500. At the same time, teaching and translating could be beneficial to my English career.

But the thing is that main job is still undicisive. I can go back to work as a store manager temporarily for making some money, dealing with fashion or wine that I love. But I wouldn't keep working for a customer service job, since it doesn't feel much growing anything but the company while stress level is amazingly high in the position. Hopefully I can find anything interesting to me sooner or later.

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