
You can make anything
by writing


by 김현원 Sep 13. 2023

(완전한 방법)Practice, simple but

Yesterday night 

I played tennis with a young man, who
 joined our tennis club one and a half months ago

I had two chances to play tennis with him by the day before yesterday

When he joined our club

He was not good at contacting and hitting balls

While playing with him yesterday night

I was very impressed with his

So much progress he made 

Through regular practice

After playing tennis with me

He stayed in the tennis court to practice

To practice, it was the secret of his progress.

It is simple, sometimes easy to forget, but gives us many meanings for our progress 

This is why I write poems and essays

This is why I remember good sentences

This is why I see flowers in the feild

This is why I walk on foot

This is why I try to sing a song

This is why I make questions about everything that I don't know

This is why I drive a car

This is why I miss you all the time

Everyday, every momont of my life

Because it is simple, but with much benefits for me, 

And for you, especailly while learning English in Korea. 

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