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by 케이머그 Feb 01. 2024

애플 맥 40주년 : 1984 Apple 보도자료

Mac 40th Anniversary

Mac 40주년 : 1984 Apple 보도자료

지난 2024년 1월 24일은 스티브 잡스가 Apple Macintosh를 공개한 지 40주년이 되는 날로, 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스를 가진 최초의 컴퓨터로 기억될 것입니다.

최초의 매킨토시는 컴퓨터 마우스를 선보이면서 사용자가 화면상의 포인터를 제어할 수 있도록 했습니다. 이 포인트-앤-클릭 방식의 컴퓨터는 당시 대부분의 사람들에게 새로운 개념이었으며, 이 당시에는 주로 키보드로 명령어를 입력해서 제어하는 텍스트 기반 인터페이스를 가지고 있었습니다.


1984년 1월 24일 출시

Macintosh 팀: 조지 크로우, 조애너 호프만, 버렐 스미스, 앤디 허츠펠드, 빌 앳킨슨, 제리 매녹…

그리고 스티브잡스

1984년 애플의 보도 자료 일부 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

사용자는 화면에 나타난 메뉴에서 나열된 기능을 선택하기 위해 “마우스”라는 작은 포인팅 장치를 움직이는 것으로 매킨토시에 명령을 할 수 있습니다. 기존의 사용자들은 이제 더 이상 컴퓨터의 수많은 키보드 명령어를 외워야 할 필요가 없습니다. 그 결과, 매킨토시는 사용이 매우 쉽고 학습 시간도 크게 단축됩니다. 사실상 매킨토시는 사용자에게 편의성과 창의성을 높여주는 컴퓨터입니다.
애플은 매킨토시를 “처음 배울때 단 몇 시간밖에 걸리지 않는다”고 말했으며, 기본적인 컴퓨터 기능인 아이콘을 가진 데스크탑, 프로그램을 창 안에서 사용할 수 있으며, 드롭다운 메뉴, 복사 및 붙여넣기 등을 선보였습니다.

애플의 보도 자료중 스티브잡스는 이렇게 말했습니다:

매킨토시는 사용방식과 물리적 설계 면에서 책상 위에 쉽게 설치됩니다. 그 크기는 한 장의 종이와 비슷합니다. 매킨토시를 사용하면 컴퓨터는 순간적인 영감과 독창성의 도구가 되며, 장애물이 되지 않습니다. 아이디어와 관계를 새로운 방식으로 볼 수 있게 해줍니다. 매킨토시는 생산성뿐 아니라 창의성도 높여줍니다.

최초의 매킨토시의 가격은 2,495달러부터 시작했는데, 지금으로 치면 7,000달러 이상에 해당합니다. 주요 사양과 기능으로는 8MHz 프로세서, 128KB의 RAM, 400KB의 플로피 디스크 드라이브, 프린터 및 기타 액세서리에 연결할 수 있는 시리얼 포트가 포함되었습니다.

현재 애플 CEO 팀 쿡은 맥의 생일을 소셜 미디어에 올린 글로 기념했습니다: 

“40년 전에 소개된 맥은 모든 것을 바꿨으며, 이후로도 여러 차례 그랬습니다. 오늘의 맥 라인업은 개인용 컴퓨터 역사상 최고이며, 혁신적인 연구의 결과물입니다. 맥 생일 축하해요!”

소셜 미디어의 글 링크 :

매킨토시에 대한 애플의 전체 보도 자료 다음과 같습니다.

First Macintosh Press Release

Source: Regis McKenna Public Relations, “Apple Introduces Macintosh Advanced Personal Computer,” press release dated 24 January 1984.
Location: M1007, Apple Computer Inc. Papers, Series 9, Box 1, Folder 11.

Apple Introduces Macintosh Advanced Personal Computer

CUPERTINO, Calif., January 24, 1984–Apple Computer today unveiled its much-anticipated Macintosh computer, a sophisticated, affordably priced personal computer designed for business people, professionals and students in a broad range of fields. Macintosh is available in all dealerships now. Based on the advanced, 32-bit architecture developed for Apple’s Lisa computer, Macintosh combines extraordinary computing power with exceptional ease of use–in a unit that is smaller and lighter than most transportable computers. The suggested retail price for Macintosh is $2,495, which during the introductory period also includes a word-processing program and graphics package.

Macintosh, along with three powerful new Lisa 2 computers, forms the basis of the Apple 32 SuperMicro family of computers. All systems in the family run Macintosh software.

Like Apple’s ground-breaking Lisa computer, Macintosh uses its built-in user-interface software and high-resolution display to simulate the actual desk-top working environment–complete with built-in notepads, file folders, a calculator and other office tools. Every Macintosh computer contains 64 kilobytes of read-only memory (ROM), built-in Lisa Technology and 128 kilobytes of random-access memory (RAM) that support these desk-top tools.

Users tell Macintosh what to do simply by moving a “mouse”–a small pointing device–to select among functions listed in menus and represented by pictorial symbols on the screen. Users are no longer forced to memorize the numerous and confusing keyboard commands of conventional computers. The result is radical ease of use and a significant reduction in learning time. In effect, the Macintosh is a desk-top appliance offering users increased utility and creativity with simplicity.

“We believe that Lisa Technology represents the future direction of all personal computers,” said Steven P. Jobs, Chairman of the Board of Apple. “Macintosh makes this technology available for the first time to a broad audience–at a price and size unavailable from any other manufacturer. By virtue of the large amount of software written for them, the Apple II and the IBM PC became the personal-computer industry’s first two standards. We expect Macintosh to become the third industry standard.”

A wide range of software applications will be supplied by leading independent software companies. Currently, more than 100 companies are developing software and hardware peripheral devices for Macintosh. The popular Lotus 1-2-3 integrated business package will be available in a Macintosh version, and Microsoft’s Multiplan financial-planning application is available immediately.

Two Macintosh application programs–one for word processing and one for graphics–also are available from Apple immediately and will be offered at no charge to anyone purchasing Macintosh during the first 100 days after introduction. These software packages will be followed by communications software, business productivity tools and programming languages that will allow Macintosh to gain access to data from large mainframe computers.

Twenty-four of the nation’s leading universities, such as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Yale, have joined forces with Apple to plan and implement personal-computer applications over the next few years. (See accompanying Apple University Consortium press release.) Under terms of the new Apple University Consortium, each member expects to purchase more than $2 million of Apple products (mostly Macintosh computers) over the next three years for use by faculty and students. Members of the consortium may share courseware (educational software) and application developments with one another in accordance with the agreement.

The prestigious accounting firm of Peat, Marwick Mitchell and Co. has ordered more than 2,000 Macintosh computers to be delivered in 1984.

Based on these commitments, Apple expects demand to exceed supply for several months.

Apple is manufacturing the new computers in a recently opened, highly automated factory in Fremont, California, which is capable of producing one system every 27 seconds and therefore meeting what is expected to be a large demand.

Macintosh Slashes Computer Learning Time

Macintosh is aimed at a broad group of business people, professionals and college students. These people perform tasks that are similar in one important respect: they all involve working at a desk and transforming information and ideas into memos, reports, budgets, plans and analyses.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that while there are 25 million of these “knowledge workers” in the United States alone, only 5 percent currently use desk-top computers. Apple market research indicates that the majority are unable or unwilling to invest the 20 to 40 hours it takes to master conventional computers and the additional three to 10 hours’ learning time required for each new application program.

Macintosh, by contrast, typically takes only a few hours to learn. Its operation mirrors the activities that are carried on by people at their desks. Papers can be shuffled on screen, documents revised or discarded, charts drawn–all with a few simple commands executed with the mouse. Several documents can be displayed on screen simultaneously, in “windows” that can be moved, expanded or shrunk. All applications, from financial-planning tools to graphics programs, are based on the same set of intuitive operations. This means that numbers, words and pictures can be easily .. cut” from memos, charts or graphs and “pasted” into other documents–even those created in separate application programs produced by different software companies.

“Macintosh easily fits on a desk, both in terms of its style of operation and its physical design,” said Jobs. “It takes up about the same amount of desk space as a piece of paper. With Macintosh, the computer is an aid to spontaneity and originality, not an obstacle. It allows ideas and relationships to be viewed in new ways. Macintosh enhances not just productivity, but also creativity.”

Macintosh Sales Outlook

According to industry analyst Jean Yates, of Yates Ventures in Palo Alto, California, worldwide sales of Macintosh could total 350,000 units this year, with 70 percent of sales going to businesses, 20 percent to colleges and universities and 10 percent to home users. Many office users are expected to carry Macintosh computers home for work, and this is expected to fuel home sales as family members and others are exposed to the computer.

Aaron Goldberg, of International Data Corp., (IDC), in Santa Clara, California, said, “There’s no doubt Apple has a winner with this product. The market has been waiting for this combination of technology, ease of operation and price.”

Support from Leading Software Vendors

Apple expects 90 percent of all Macintosh software to come from independent software vendors. Among the prominent companies working on Macintosh applications are Microsoft Corp., Lotus Development, and Software Publishing Corp. (See list attached to software-support press release.)

Apple is supporting these efforts by providing independent software vendors with Macintosh computers and comprehensive open-architecture programming documentation, classes and other development support from Apple representatives. Apple foresees at least 500 software packages available for Macintosh by the end of 1984, including productivity applications, communications packages, educational tools, specialized applications (such as accounting packages) and games.

Apple is currently providing two application programs for the Macintosh: MacWrite and MacPaint. MacWrite is a versatile word-processing program that features multiple fonts and font sizes, search-and-replace functions and the ability to cut text and pictures from other programs and paste them into memos or reports. MacPaint is a powerful illustration graphics program. Users can choose from an array of tools, such as brushes, pencils and erasers, and a large selection of textures and shapes to create an endless variety of free-form and structured images.

Programs to be released by Apple in 1984 include–for the first quarter–MacTerminal, which allows Macintosh to emulate DEC VT 100, VT 52, TTY and, with AppleLine, IBM 3277 and 3278 terminals for access to a variety of text) and is protected by a tough plastic case. Apple’s new Lisa 2 series of computers also use the 3 1/2-inch disk drive, enabling the Lisas to run Macintosh programs.

Macintosh has two RS 232C/RS 422 serial ports for attaching a printer and peripheral communications devices such as a modem; another port for connecting an optional external disk drive; and an audio system that has a range of more than 12 octaves, is capable of producing polyphonic pitches and can replicate human speech. In addition, Apple is developing the AppleBus point-to-point interconnect system for all Apple computers, which will allow Macintosh computers to communicate with each other, peripheral devices and other Apple computers linked together. The hardware interface for AppleBus is built into every Macintosh and Lisa computer system.

Peripherals and Accessories

A number of Macintosh accessories and peripheral devices are available now: The Apple Imagewriter printer for high-quality text and graphics; an accountant-style numeric keypad; the Macintosh carrying case; a disk pack of ten 3 1/2-inch diskettes; and the Apple telephone modem, with data transmission rates of 1,200 or 300 baud. Another peripheral, AppleLine, allows Macintosh to emulate IBM 3277 and 3278 mainframe computers. An external disk drive and a security kit, which locks Macintosh and keyboard to a table or desk will be available in March 1984.

Sales and Service

Apple estimates that initially 85 percent of Macintosh sales will be made through retail channels, with direct sales making up the remainder. The Macintosh will be sold through Apple’s 3,000 authorized dealers worldwide.

To aid in its sales support, Apple has initiated an “Own-a-Mac” program. This program offers incentive discounts to sales personnel to encourage their purchasing a Macintosh computer. In this way sales staff will fully understand product features and application programs.

Designed to be marketed internationally, Macintosh uses no English language in or on the machine. Icons depict the functions of the keys, controls, ports and servicing instructions. The Macintosh ROM contains no English code, making it easy for a translator to adapt the software for use in any language. This can be accomplished within a few hours. once the keyboard has been changed, any translator can create a “localized” version of the machine. The translator need not be familiar with programming. Localized versions of the Macintosh will be shipped to the United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Italy and Australia within three months of introduction, and to other countries within a year.

Macintosh was designed from the start to be built in the millions to meet the anticipated high demand. To that end, Apple is manufacturing the product in a specially designed $20-million facility in Fremont, California. This highly automated factory can produce one system every 27 seconds. Under terms of a “zero-defect” agreement, Apple’s component suppliers will test parts according to Apple’s specifications before delivery to the Macintosh factory.

Service for Macintosh will be coordinated through Apple’s conventional channels, which include Apple dealers and the more than 300 RCA service centers nationwide. Macintosh was designed for simple servicing: the system is composed of only four modules, each of which can be easily replaced in the event of failure.


The basic Macintosh package will have a suggested retail price of $2,495 and will include the main unit, keyboard and a mouse. The package also comes with an accessory box that contains the system disk; “A Guided Tour of Macintosh,” a learning disk and cassette tape; a blank disk; a power cord; an owner’s manual; and a programmer’s switch.

A host of peripherals and accessories will be available for the Macintosh computer from Apple and will have suggested retail prices as follows:

Imagewriter printer $595 ($495 if purchased with Macintosh)
Numeric Keypad $129
Modem 300 $225
Modem 1200 $495
Carrying Case $99
3 1/2-inch disk box (10 disks) $49
MacWrite/MacPaint $195 (included free with each Macintosh during the introductory period)
External Drive $495

Document created on 6 June 2000;
This version published on 01/28/2024 15:52:35


KMUG 애플에 대한 모든 것.
케이머그 김영권

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