
You can make anything
by writing


by Kalsavina Jan 19. 2024

90. 역사상 가장 똑똑하고 가난한 세대(영문)

칼마녀의 테마에세이

A look at the smartest and poorest generation in history.

Edward Said <Orientalism> Depoliticization is not proper solution

The title is grandiose, but to put it simply, it is my opinion on the generation born in the 80s, that is, between 1980 and 1989. I was born in 1979, and as a person who was born in late fall and straddles the gap between the 70s and 80s, I think I have the right to say something like this from a neutral standpoint. To put it bluntly and to the point, the most critical difference between those born in the 70s and those born in the 80s is the way they understand the “relationship between society and me.” Those born before the 1980s perceive themselves as “me as a member of society,” while those born after the 1980s perceive themselves as “the society surrounding me.” The point is that the biggest characteristic of those born after the 1980s, the smartest yet poorest generation in history, is “depoliticization.” They do not want to confront their unfair situation. They don't organize protests or throw stones at the government, asking why we, the smartest people in history, should be the poorest. They do not protest against the unfairness of the wealth that has been systematically appropriated by their political predecessors(but not more smart than 80's), those born before the 1970s.

So, if you ask me what does that mean?

Probably, I think.

As a rough estimate, it will take 6 to 7 years for people born in 1989 to turn 40. My younger brother, born in 1984, turns 40 (39 years old) in Korean age this year. I believe that by this time, this war that has engulfed the world will subside a little. The reasons are 1) this generation is not equipped with the mindset to benefit from war, and 2) they are the poorest generation in history, so even if they want to go to war, they do not have the money to do so. That's right, war requires money. 3) By that time, it will be time for even the smart bastards to leave. When I look at their doing  actions, I wonder if he has hidden the elixir of immortality somewhere  In the face of birth, old age, illness, and death, everyone is equal.

매거진의 이전글 89. 역사상 가장 똑똑하고 가장 가난한 세대
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