
매거진 Words

You can make anything
by writing


by Rico Feb 03. 2022


Stephen King as Richard Bachman

"You're either crazy or really remarkable," she said.

"People are only remarkable in books."


"No, no, you listen. Dig your ears out. Getting old is like driving through snow that just gets deeper and deeper. When you finally get in over your hubcaps, you just spin and spin. That's life. There are no plows to come and dig you out. Your ship isn't going to come in, girl. There are no boats for nobody. You're never going to win a contest. There's no camera following you and people watching you straggle. This is it. All of it. Everything. "

"You don't know what it's like here!" she cried.

"No, but I know what it's like here."

"You know, it's been my experience that when anybody says that they're ready to stop screwing around with the little lies and they're about to tell a real whopper."

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