
You can make anything
by writing


by Rumi Dec 01. 2021

At the End of Time

지나가는 생각들

The realm of what is in this world is that everything we encounter in the stream of time is temporary.

Whether we like it or not, we are all headed for something that's eternal. It's very important to bear in mind that we live in a fallen world.

And if we are distinctively honest, in the world we know today, we will admit that there is much more misery than there is happiness, there is much more strife than there is peace, and there is much more sickness than there is health.

Don't paint a pity picture on the wall of the world because it is not at all in the realm of reality.

We live a fallen world: a world that is rotten through and through - corrupted, tainted, by sin, and that's where we are and what we are.

Our final destiny is not of this world. Time is not permanent, eternity is.

- End

작가의 이전글 서울, 1978
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