
You can make anything
by writing


by 장재용 Mar 26. 2020

Basic Speaking Skill 101

토플, 토익, 오픽 등의 시험 성적은 실제로 원어민들과 살면서, 일하면서 괜찮은 기본 어학실력의 가능성을 말해주는 것이지만, 그것이 절대 전부는 아니죠.

가장 많은 시간을 투자하고, 돈을 써가면서 수 없이 많은 학습자들은 시간이 지나면 영어 실력을 쌓아가는 것을 포기하게 됩니다. 수포자와 같이 영포자도 너무나 많습니다. 그러나, 우리는 이제 새로운 역사를 써내려 갈 수 있다고 확신합니다. 그래도 영어 점수가 필요한 분들을 위해 아래 영상을 정리해보았습니다.

5 Steps to Improve Your English Listening - How to Improve Your English Listening

IELTS Speaking Band 8.5 Vietnamese - Full with Subtitles

랜선제자들을 위한 토플 스피킹 강의 - 30점 만점 공부법/ 템플릿, 독립형, 통합형

다음의 내용은, 기본적으로 전쟁터에 가져가야할 총알이라고 생각하고 틈틈히 자기 것으로 만들어야 합니다.

I. 유형별 표현 - 기본 다지기

선택을 말할 때 유용한 표현

1. 내 [개인적인] 경험으로 보면 From my [personal] experience

From my experience, it's hard to live with a roommate who has a different schedule from mine.

2. 나로서는 For me / As for me

For me, watching American movies is a good way to study English.

3. 나는 ~라는 진술에 동의한다 [동의하지 않는다] I agree [disagree] with the statement that ~

I agree with the statement that people lead healthier lives today.

이유를 말할 때 유용한 표현

1. 더욱이 Furthermore / What's more

Many college students drink while underage. Furthermore, they often drive home drunk.

2. 반대로 / 대조적으로 Conversely

Conversely, graduates can decide to go on a trip instead of starting work right away.

3. 이것이 ~하는 이유이다 This is the reason why~

I love exotic places. This is the reason why I chose to participate in an exchange program.

II. 학교생활 관련 표현

1. 교사 중심의 수업 a teacher-oriented class

Some educators argue that teacher-oriented classes are not effective.

2. 사회적 인맥을 형성하다 build a social network

Joining a club or student organization is a great way to build a social network.

3. 지식 기반을 넓히다 broaden one's knowledge base

Reading a wide variety of books will broaden students' knowledge base.

4. 생각을 표명하다 voice one's thoughts

Some people have a hard time voicing their thoughts in front of others.

5. ~에 효과적인 방법 an effective approach~

Exercising for about 30 minutes in the morning is an effective approach to boosting your metabolism.

6. ~와 보조를 맞추다 / ~에 따라가다 keep pace with

Students often want to know others' grades so that they can keep pace with each other.

III. 일상생활 관련 표현

1. 역할을 다하다 fulfill one's role

To fulfill their roles as mentors, parents should set a good example.

2. 외식하다 eat out

While some people prefer to cook and eat their meals at home, I like to eat out.

3. 어렵게 번 돈 hard-earned money

There are many ways people use their hard-earned money wisely.

4. 의견을 나누다 trade ideas

Trading ideas in a study group is a good way to prepare for tests.

5. (병)에 걸리다 come down with~

It's easy to come down with the flu in wintertime.

6. 자기 관리를 배우다 learn self-control

When it comes to college life, learning self-control is very important.

7. 즐거운 방법 an enjoyable way

Reading a good book in a comfortable cafe is an enjoyable way to relieve stress.

8. 집안 일을 하다 do chores

People who share a house should do chores equally.

아웃라인 잡기

Q. Some students like to ask questions to their instructors when they do not understand a topic. Others choose to consult with their classmates. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

나의 선택 : 이유 / 구체적 근거

consult with classmates

comfortable w/ peers - easier to ask classmates

flexible schedules - ask any time; profs. have office hours

Q 1. Some people like to attend live performances, while others prefer watching them on television. Which do you prefer and why?                     

Outline 나의 선택 live performances

이유 - 구체적 근거 : 

이유 - 구체적 근거 : 

Q 2. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your explanation. All newspapers and books will be in electronic form one day.

Outline 나의 선택 .....

 이유 - 구체적 근거 : 

 이유 - 구체적 근거 :

아웃라인 보고 말하기

Q. Some students like to ask questions to their instructors when they do not understand a topic. Others choose to consult with their classmates. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.


I prefer consulting with my classmates to asking questions to my instructors.

First, I feel more comfortable talking with my peers.

To be specific, professors can be difficult to approach, so  I feel it's easier to ask questions to my classmates.

Second, classmates have more flexible schedules. 

For example, I can ask questions to my classmates at any time. However, professors usually have strict office hours, so students often have to make appointments with them.

화자의 의견을 말할 때 유용한 표현

1. 읽기 지문에 따르면 According to the reading

According to the reading, a new online tutoring site will replace the school's drop-in tutoring center.

2. 주어는 ~라고 (확고히) 믿는다 (strongly) believe that ~

The woman likes the idea of regulating student protests.

3. 주어는 B보다 A를 선호한다 prefer A to/over B

The student prefers having later weekday hours to opening the library on weekends.

화자의 이유를 말할 때 유용한 표현

1. ~하는 두 가지 이유가 있다 There are two reasons why ~

There are two reasons why the student thinks so.

2. ~ 의 장점 [단점]은 ~이다 An advantage [A disadvantage] of ~ is ~

An advantage of including sports in the curriculum is that students can stay healthy.

3. 주어는 ~ 때문에 ~에 찬성 [반대]한다 be for [against] ~ because ~

The woman is for the new plan because it'll help fund the library.

I think a new scholarship for female students will be a great incentive. It's exactly what the university needs to encourage women to go into the sciences.

Q 1. How does the student feel about the scholarship?
She feels that a new scholarship for women is a good idea.

Q 2. Why does she believe this?
She believes that it will encourage more women to go into the sciences.

The carrying capacity of a habitat is the size of the population that the area can support. There must be enough food and space for individuals to continue to reproduce.

Q. According the passage, what is carrying capacity?
Carrying capacity is the size of a population that a habitat can support with enough food and space to reproduce.

*중요 듣기 표현
강의의 주제를 언급할 때

1. Today we'll be looking at two common kinds of environmental disturbances affecting forests.
2. What I want to think about is how certain animals use sound waves to navigate.

두 가지 포인트를 비교/대조할 때
3. It's exactly the opposite with Victorian-era fashion.
4. Compared to the other members of his department, my friend just wasn't very good at dealing with people.
5. On the contrary, certain bird species leave their homes in search of warmer climates.

예를 들어 설명할 때
6. For example, some lizards have patterns that warm others that they are poisonous.
7. Let's (take a) look at an example of involuntary body language.

중요 포인트를 강조할 때
8. Remember that companies can enhance revenues by marketing to consumers aged 8 to 12.
9. What I'd like to stress is, not all people require eight hours of sleep for good health.
10. The important thing is that it takes time and patience to build brand power. 

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