
You can make anything
by writing


by adventureun May 24. 2022

Generous Giving


Levitus 19:9–10

“ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edgesq of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.r 10 Do not go over your vineyard a second times or pick up the grapes that have fallen.t Leave them for the poor and the foreigner.u I am the Lord your God.


How might you extend generosity today, whether through practical help, a listening ear, or some other way? When have you been on the receiving end of someone’s generosity? How did that feel?

My husband I engraved the verse : "Love Your Neighbor" in our engagment ring hoping to put our neighbor always first in our lives, but I think we have been too busy thinking and enjoying our newly married couple life and forgot about the goal of us. Throgh this 1 week of quarantine time, I was able to organize my thoughts and set the right path for my life ahead. He has dream and purpose for our family, he is willing to see our lives within Christ and Christian community. It will not easy for us to go to church every Sunday under the working circumstances, but we will put that as our first prayer request to be working at the job that we can go to church on Sunday and also for our children. I realize my life for the past 2 years too much about me, It has been enough time to enjoy happieness about meeting my husband, now it is time to giving the love to the society again. God always working in misterious way, when he makes me stop, he wants me to realize and turn my way back to him.


Dear God,

Thank you so much for letting me have a week of Quarantine time and reflect my life.

I have been not happy and not thankful for what I have even though you gave me this great house, husband and Job. I always wanted more for my job and I wanted to be more comfortable and easy. My mind wanted to run from the discomforts. You realized this is time for me to STOP and BOUNCE BACK as I did 3 years ago. Please God help me to have always think the neighbor first and help them financially and phyisially. Please lead our family into the Sunday Christian Life. I know you have already plan for us. 

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