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영어회화_사교육 시장의 변화

Rocky's think box _(109)

Due to Covid-19, we can see a change in private education market. As you know, polarization in the market is getting worse. Fortunately, AI eduation is playing a balancing role. Eventually, private education market is closely related to parents' financial viability. AI can help to deal with the polarization. Due to covid, AI education sector has been most heavily invested  for the past two years. In the past, the secotor of biohealth care was most heavily invested. Recently, in particular, a lot of AI education apps have been made. Parents have to pay attention to those apps. Then, they can no longer rely on private tutoring. In conclusion, if we try to adapt ourselves to the era of digitalizaiton, we'll see a new world.

@This article is only a subjective view.

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