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영어회화_한국 공교육의 한계와 개선점

Rocky's think box_(111)

I think that our country's education is in trouble. In Korea, our technology is now advancing at a quicker pace. Whereas, public education stays stagnant. Nevertheless, Korea is growing up in some ways. Especially, the Korean economy has achieved a remarkable development so far. However, we have to know truth!  Until now we have had a lot of opportunities to attain economic growth. But, as we're transforming into a digital society, there are opportunities for co-existence and risks at the same time. We have to learn about a new education so that we can understand the digital society. So public education is a driving force behind the Korean economic development. There is still an imbalance in the area of education. The biggest problem is that our country's existing educational system can't catch up with the ongoing process of digitalization. Most professors and teachers have yet to prepare for the era of digitalization which is gaining momentum. AI education is in the limelight now! There are already top tier lecturers who are more competitive than existing ones. In the meantime, edu-tech start-ups are being accelerating now. In addition, Naver, Kakao and Google are providing every information for users. Also, owing to covid-19, the 'Untact' educational market is becoming dominant. In conclusion, we're forced to know a lot of information now, but, ironically, the existing educational system is preventing us from doing so. Plus, there is a widening gap between the area of schools and that of companies which is another obstacle!

@This article is only a subjective view.

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