
You can make anything
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영어회화)넥스트챌린지재단 & 넥스트챌린지 유니버시티

Rocky's think box_(112)

Let me introduce to you about NCF and NCU. Thanks you for being here, though you're busy. I am CEO of NCF. We're supporting start-ups for incubating, accelerating and investing. Also, domestically, I am working as an expert on Korea's start up ecosystem. Our foundation's headquarters is in Jeju. I'm here to  cooperate with you over NCF. The NCU can be introduced as follows. Students of  NCU can travel around 12 cities and 9 countries in the world for 4 years. They can learn history, culture and languages of each country. In addition, We're cooperating with governments, universities and local accelerators of each country. NCU is going to begin a MBA course on September. Taking this course takes two years. To this end, we're developing a 'Metaverse' solution an has developed the best start-up curriculums with the participation of experts. So I want your institutions to sign MOUs. And then, let's make strategic cooperation in the future. Thanks for listening!

coming soon.

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@This article is only a subjective view.

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