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by YM Chung Mar 04. 2024

세계의사회, 한국 의료 상황에 대한 2개의 성명서 발표

1948년 히포크라테스 선서로 알려진 제네바 선언을 채택했던 세계의사회

1948년 히포크라테스 선서로 알려진 제네바 선언을 채택했던 세계의사회가 76년이 지난 2024년 올해 3월, 두 번에 걸쳐 급박한 한국 의료 상황에 대해 성명서를 발표하였습니다. 그러나 국내에는 거의 기사화되고 있지 않아 원문을 그대로 소개드립니다.

먼저 세계의사회의 3/1 첫번째 성명서입니다.

World Medical Association Stands Firm In Support Of Korean Medical Associaiton amid Government-induced Crisis


The World Medical Association (WMA) reaffirms its commitment to defending the integrity of the Korean Medical Association (KMA) and the rights of its physicians in the face of an unprecedented government-led crisis. The government’s unilateral decision to drastically increase medical student admissions, implemented without clear evidence, has led to turmoil in the medical community.

WMA has been closely monitoring the situation in Korea, receiving constant updates. KMA views the government’s claims about physicians resisting policies as lacking sufficient consultation and consensus with expert groups. The right to collective action is universal, and guidelines are in place to ensure patient safety remains paramount during any collective action taken by physicians. Actions taken by the government are ignoring the harsh reality of medical interns and residents, facing constant burn out due to long working hours, low salaries and a negative portrayal in the media led by misinformation.

Physicians, including medical students and young doctors, are peacefully practicing their rights within the boundaries of democratic law and constitution. The government’s attempts to prevent personal resignations and restrict conditions of school admissions are viewed as potential violations of human rights, setting a dangerous precedent in the country.

“I strongly urge the Korean government to reconsider its actions and cease the forceful measures imposed on the medical community. The principles of justice, human rights, and ethical healthcare demand a collaborative approach. A resolution should respect the rights of physicians and ensure the well-being of both medical professionals and the patients they serve.”, said WMA President, Dr. Lujain Al-Qodmani.

다음은 세계의사회가 3/3 두번째로 발표한 성명서입니다.                      World Medical Association Clarifies Position on Collective Action and Condemns Government Interference in Korean Medical Associaion


The World Medical Association categorically affirms doctors’ right to collective action, including strikes, contrary to misrepresentations in certain Korean press articles.

WMA’s Statement on the Ethical Implications of Collective Action by Physicians provides clear guidance on the appropriate execution of such actions.

In civilian life, doctors, like any other professionals, have the autonomy to select their roles. If working conditions become untenable, they reserve the right to advocate for improvements or choose alternative employment.

In emergency situations, doctors are obligated to provide assistance, aligning with societal expectations. The current challenges in Korea result from governmental shortcomings, and it is the government’s responsibility to ensure reasonable working conditions and a strategic plan for medical education development.

Furthermore, the WMA strongly condemns the actions of the Korean Government in attempting to stifle the voices of elected leaders within the Korean Medical Association. The recent seizure of computers and mobile phones belonging to these leaders is viewed as an unacceptable infringement on their rights and a violation of democratic principles.

The WMA calls on the Korean Government to uphold the democratic rights and freedoms of its citizens, particularly those in the medical profession, and to engage in constructive dialogue to address the concerns raised by the medical community.

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