
You can make anything
by writing


by 닥터뤼 Apr 09. 2020

재택근무와 온라인회의도 Design 과 함께

각국 리더들이 섰던 자리에서 나도 회의를.. 

Living in COVID-19 era isn't just about acquirng personal protection equipments. As we spend more time on the virtual space, one must now consider how to represent myself during the online meetings or online classroom since it's not easy to open untidy room to everyone. 

For the first time, we're offering design images that you can use for your online meeting or online lectures. These images are not like other simple cormercial room-interior designs (i.e. IKEA), but competition award winning designs of pavillions or installations where President and leaders of many contries stood before, and left remarkable stories. 

Image 1. 

Bell Pavillion of Echoing Virtue, 2019, KWJ :

This magnificent art piece was installed during Han-ASEAN summit 2019, where the leaders of 11 conutires across the asia took photos and held meetings. 

Image 2:

Air Cinema, 2019, KJW:

This balloon cinema was installed to cellebrate 100th Korean Movie Anniversary, at KwangHwaMoon, the heart of the Seoul. 

Image 3:

Teeum, 2019, KJW:

This is the futuristic realization of 5G technology and others in AR/VR hands on station. 

These are just few of many super high quality images that you may use.

Cool enough?

There may be more images and for more questions regarding printing them out on a hangable screen, please contact GBO.

All image copyrights belong to GBO 

Article composed by : PJG.Tonic 

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