
You can make anything
by writing


by 닥터뤼 Apr 18. 2020

DIY Covid19 Facial-Shield Idea

Cap-Shield: Taking  5 min, protects 100%

안녕하세요. 치과의사 닥터뤼 입니다.

집에 누구나 있는 모자를 이용해 간단하게 페이스 쉴드 만드는 디자인을 소개합니다.

환자를 보면서 쉴드의 중요성을 알게되어, 의료진이 아닌 일반인들도 마스크 위에  쉴드를 끼고

안전하게 코로나 사태를 극복했으면 하는 마음에서, 간단한 디자인 아이디어를 내게 되었습니다.

-만드는 법-

1. 캡이 달린 모자, 투병 센로판, 칼, 펜 정도를 준비한다.

2. 모자의 캡 부분의 커브와 넓이를 펜으로 그린 후 잘라낸다.

3. 잘라낸 부분에 캡을 끼워 쓴다. (고무줄, 클립 둥으로 추가고정 가능) 

Making Cap-Shield Protocols

모자-쉴드의 장점은 

1. 누구나 가지고 있는 모자를 활용 함. (안경, 헤어밴드보다 일반적인 소장품)

2. 안경이나 헤어밴드 타입의 안면쉴드 디자인 보다 머리 전체를 감싸므로 프로텍션 면적이 넓음.

3. 입모양, 표정등이 중요한 상황에서 마스크 대체 가능 (마스크와 같이 쓸 경우 의료보호장비에 준하는 효과) 

4. 안경, 의료용 루페 등을 착용한 상태에서도 착용 가능.

라고 생각 됩니다.

상기 디자인을 본 친구는 모자를 쓰는 매장 (예: 스타벅스) 등에서도 쓰면 좋겠다는 아이디어를 주었는데요, 

더워지는 여름, 피부에 밀착되는 마스크 대용으로 쓰면 일상생활에서도 더욱 편리하게 보호할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 

전 세계 많은 사람들이 안전하게 코로나 감염을 피하고 어려운 시기가 지나길 정말 간절히 기도합니다.

요즘 집놀이가 유행인데 집에 있는 모자로 만들고 #CapShieldChallenge  도 함께 해주세요

이하는 직접 핸즈온으로 만드는 사진과 함께 적은  영문 글입니다. 

Hello. My name is Dr.Lee. I'm a dentist, living in South Korea.

I would like to introduce you to a simple and effect, home-made sheild.

Let's call it 'Cap-Shield'!

(It sounds like Captain America Shiled? well good! Because we want it to be strong)

After caring for patients face-to-face at the clinic,  I realized the importance of wearing a facial shield, in addition to surgical masks for better protection.

I would certainly recommend everyone to use this kind of facial covering; However, I know it's not easy for everyone to acquire medical face sheilds.

Here's the reference proof about the need of facial shield mentioned in dental journal:

1. Protective glasses and face shields: There is clinical proof that since infectious droplets could readily attack the epithelium of human conjunctival, COVID-19 can be transferred by contact with the mucous membranes lining the eyes. Therefore, protective glasses or face shield should be used during the treatment to cover the eyes from aerosols and debris produced throughout dental treatment and they also should be disinfected between patients’ visits.

To make this Cap-Sheild, all you need is :

1 base-ball cap (or anything fits your head) , transparent plastic sheet (for example, from coke bottle) , a cutting tool and a pen  

We are going to make something look like this: (Green sticker is on - so you can visualize it )

This is similar, to what I wear at the clinic which looks like this.

Ecample of actual medical facial shield

Essentially, you would need to  fit the plastic sheet onto the cap to give thorough coverage.

I used yellow paper in my beta test, so the pattern is more visible.

(and it's yellow paper, because I came up with this idea on April.16th - remembering them*)

Rough outline of what we'll make

So. Let's get started!

Step 1) Get a cap, and transparent plastic sheet (cut from Coke Bottle, document folder, etc). Draw a rough sketch of the cap on the sheet.

Doest have to be exact but getting approximate curvature and lenth is important.

Don't make it too big, because then, it won't be hold in place well.

Draw rough sketch of cap following the length and the curvature

Step 2) Cut the line along the sketch. It doesn't have to be perfect. Easy breezy but be careful.

Cut along the sketch line : doens't have to be perfect as long as cap can go through

Step 3) Make sure the cap cango through the plastic sheet.

Checking if sheet fits with the cap.

You can wear it like this, but to give better support, utilize a rubber band.

Step 4) Place the holes on the both sides and attach the rubber bands

Drawing holes  at the both ands punch them with a cutter
I used rubber band from the used mask - put that and make knobs
Final look of the shield with ban on the cap

Step 5) Now it's ready to wear!

There are many YouTube videos about making shield, and all of them are so brilliant and helpful! But I wanted something simpler that if I had to send someone for PPE, I'd only have to send single plastic sheet.  

To me, this is the simplest and most effect facial shield because nearly everyone will have the cap at home, and can get theirs hands on a plastic covering (from coke bottle, etc). Also, the cap actually gives far greater coveage than the most coverings you see from other sources.It covers nearly your entire face, including your nouth, eyes and nose + head.

I pray for everyone's health and safety during this time. I also hope this  can be of some help to the world.

Show us your cap+shield you made at home.

I think it will look awesome to bring out old-hats you haven't worn in a long time.

Hash tag #capshieldchallege , and let's fight against this!

Hands-on Youtube channel is coming up, but it's very simple that

this can be used for school activity, home-educaiton with kids, or I seriously think some medical forces could use it too.

I must thank Carlos, HS, JunK, Cassie W. for additional opinions and comments.

Thank you and Love you.

Chan Joo Lee

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