
You can make anything
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by 현안 XianAn 스님 May 17. 2024

Zoom  Chan meditation(EN/ES/PT

[Zoom] Chan meditation for Europe

All classes are open for everyone & free of charge. Taught in English with a live translator of your local language(ES/PT/DE/FR)

Instructor: Venerable XianAn Sunim(현안스님)

Assist Instructor: Venerable XianShou


Option 1)

Thursday night (8pm in Lisbon)  “EN/PT”

London/Lisbon: 8pm, Madrid/Berlin: 9pm

Bogota: 2pm, New York, Miami: 3pm, São Paulo: 4pm 한국 금요일 새벽4시

Option 2)

Sunday morning (9am in Madrid) “EN/ES”

London/Lisbon: 8am, Madrid/Berlin: 9am

Los Angeles: 12 midnight, Bogota: 2AM, New York: 3AM, 한국 오후 4시

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 801 253 0926 / Passcode: meeting

What is Chan Meditation?

Chan(or Seon in Korean) is one of the most powerful forms of meditation. Chan teaches participants how to increase concentration power, also known as samadhi power. In this training, the results are solid and concrete. By increasing samadhi, the mind naturally becomes much more relaxed and peaceful and the body becomes much healthier.

Chan is an ancient form of meditation that is a central practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Chan uses many secret methods, most of which cannot be found in print, especially in the West. These techniques have been passed down from the master to his students in an oral tradition that has existed for more than 2,500 years, since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

Why Chan Meditation?

We often associate meditation with relaxation or feeling good. Meditation can be much more. If you do not seek comfort or peace in your practice, you will improve much more and achieve much better results. That's why it's important that you understand that you can always improve your spiritual practice. Only hard work and consistent effort will produce real results in meditation training. What does that mean?

Chan meditation is a very effective form of spiritual practice if you want more than just a simple solution. As you progress in meditation, you will become much healthier, faster, calmer and more productive. In addition, you will become more creative and efficient. You will find that you can have better relationships with others and solve problems much more intelligently. There are so many other benefits you can achieve that cannot all be described.

Why free?

Our Chan students have experienced great benefits for themselves and saw the transformation of their lives from this practice. So now they wish to share this wonderful experience with others. Therefore, many offered to help organize those classes and support our sangha members (Buddhist monks and nuns) to teach the classes. Now, they wish that more people can encounter this wonderful practice in Europe and improve their lives.

What to expect?

You will receive simple and direct instructions during this 2-hour workshop so that you can try the practice with the instructor. After this workshop, if you still wish to continue this practice, you may join our free online classes. During these classes, you can freely ask questions and discuss difficulties from your daily practice. Then the instructor will be able to provide answers and solutions that are more specific for you.

Venerable XianAn (known in Korea as „HyunAn Sunim“ )

Venerable XianAn is a Korean American Buddhist nun who’s a long disciple of Master YongHua. She started learning Chan from Master YongHua at Lu Mountain Temple in 2012 in the US. At that time, she was a young entrepreneur with a start-up business. And Chan quickly became her core strength to make her business very successful. With her further improvement in Chan, she realized that Chan is such a wonderful and fundamental skill not only for her career but also all other aspects of her life. In 2019, she became a Buddhist nun under Master YongHua and returned to her motherland, Korea. Since then, she’s been teaching American Chan in Korea and became very well-known. She is also a published author and Buddhist radio DJ.

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