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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Aug 29. 2022

Meditation night in Seoul

GwangRyunSa located at DoBongSan entry

You are invited!

Please come to practice meditation together at GwangRyunSa temple(광륜사, 光輪寺) located in the entry of Dobongsan hiking trail. This is an open event for everyone regardless race, religion, age. This temple is well purified and very appropriate for your meditation practice. This is a hidden gem where you can safely practice meditation and concentrate much better than other places.

Meditation night @ GwangRyunSa

▶ Wednesday, August 31

▶ 6pm to midnight (You may join and leave anytime)

▶ Guiding teacher: Venerable HyunAn (현안스님)

▶ Location: GwangRyunSa's meditation hall

▶ Questions? Text 010-9292-8441

If you are totally new to meditation, you can come and ask for instructions. We can teach you how to sit and meditate in proper posture. 

This session is to practice meditation freely from 6pm to midnight. The venerable can provide instructions upon your request. If you'd like to meditate in your own style, feel free to join too.

Venerable HyunAn has been training under Master YongHua for over a decade and has been teaching Chan(or Seon) meditation since 2015 in the United States. If you wish, you can learn the principles and techniques of Chan/Seon Buddhist meditation. The instructor will reveal the extraordinary method of Seon Meditation, from basic stretches and sitting postures, to the fundamental principles of Buddhism. 

As a Buddhist nun, the sunim has practiced and taught many years under Master YongHua from Wei Mountain Temple (California, USA). Therefore, the instructor will present these ancient skills to the Western cultured or educated people in an easy format. This class will provide practical and concrete instructions and all people, regardless of their religions, can achieve personal benefits.

“Meditation is a powerful technique for restoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Ultimately, meditation will help you unfold your inherent wisdom, enabling you to end suffering and attain enlightenment. And on a more basic level, you will develop greater focus and concentration, which will have an immediate and practical application to your life.”

GwangRyunSa Temple

GwangRyunSa was built back in 673 by Great Master Uisang(의상義湘 대사). When it was established, it was named as ManJangSa (만장사, 萬丈寺). This temple used to be major temples of DoBongSan Mountain along with two other temples, Cheonchuksa (천축사) and YoungGukSa (영국사). In the mid JoSeon Dynasty, GwangRyunSa has declined and the most part of temple has been destroyed during the Japanese invasions of Korea (임진왜란, 1592–1598). Toward the late JoSeon Dynasty, the country's queen (신정 왕후 [1808~1890]) renovated the temple and lived during her late years after her father passed away. After that, Heungseon Daewongun(흥선대원군) also spent his leisure time during Gojong emperor and worked from there. Since 1970, a laywoman renovated and expanded this temple. In 2002, Mr. Im and Ms. Park supported Great Master CheongHwa to renovate this temple and renamed it to its current name, GwangRyunSa and reopened.

How to get there

Refer to Google map.

매거진의 이전글 9-10월 미국 영화선사 한국 법회/법문 일정

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